Indian business delegation arrives

An Indian delegation made up of more than 15 prospective investors has arrived in the country on a seven-day tour to scout for investment opportunities.

The delegation is from the India Trade Organisation and is led by its chairman Mr Asif Iqbal.

The business trip is being facilitated by the Zimbabwe India Trade Council and the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce. It’s a follow-up visit to the one by Indian Vice President Muppavarapu Venkaihah Naidu in 2018.

Mr Iqbal said the visit had been delayed by the Covid19 pandemic.

” We were supposed to come here in 2019 but Covid19 stalled the whole process but we are glad that we are finally here to forge investment ties with Zimbabwe,” he said

ZNCC President Dr Tinashe Manzungu revealed that the team of investors has targeted various Economic sectors.

“They are mainly interested in mining, Agriculture and pharmaceuticals which will take them to Mashonaland West and Bulawayo to scout for opportunities,” Dr Manzungu said.

The Indian investors are tomorrow expected to meet heads of local business organisations and business executives.

Zimbabwe and India share cordial relations and the Asian country has assisted the country in various sectors that include health, science and technology development and scholarships.

India has donated significantly to the country’s efforts to fight Covid19.-herald.clz.w

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