ICT access centres launched in Bulawayo

GOVERNMENT, through the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services has established three ICT access facilities in Bulawayo as it intensifies the drive towards a digitally enabled economy in line with the policy thrust of National Development Strategy (NDS1).

This also seeks to bridge the digital gap to ensure no one is left behind in the digital age, which is now a key element of the modern economy and growth.

The facilities are at Elangeni Public Service Training Centre, Bulawayo Data Backup Centre, Public Finance Management System Centre as well as an ICT lab per school for Waterford and Emakhandeni.

Information Communication Technology Minister Jenfan Muswere said it was the ministry’s mandate to make sure that all Zimbabweans, regardless of geographical location should access ICTs therefore compelling them to roll out the different ICT access projects throughout the country.

With growing digitalisation sweeping across the globe, Dr Muswere said it was imperative for all Zimbabweans to access digital platforms in the education sector, local industry, public service and healthcare systems.

“Indeed, our desire is for all Zimbabweans to be able to have access to the Internet and communication in general. If a student does not have Internet access, they will struggle to type their school papers or do online homework assignments, or learn basic computer skills, or try to get help from their teachers.

“If a public servant does not have adequate ICT skills, they will have challenges utilising ICT equipment and in so doing give slow and poor service to the citizenry.
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“As we interface with modern ICT equipment all our efforts will be in vain if we do not have a backup of our data. The solutions we have commissioned today will eradicate the challenges posed above,” he said.

The ICT access facilities also come as the ICTs ministry was mandated by President Mnangagwa to work on the SMART Zimbabwe 2030 Master Plan, which seeks to exploit the potential of ICTs in achieving an upper middle income economy by 2030.

This vision is predicated on, among others, building on the achievements of the Zimbabwe National Policy on ICTs of 2016 to 2020, which further strengthens Zimbabwe’s economic base and improves its economic environment for accelerated growth towards achieving a Digital Government, a Digital Economy and a Digital Society, by 2030.

Once fully rolled out, the master plan is expected to see the country achieving the digital economy aspirations of the NDS1.

Said Dr Muswere: “It will completely transform Government processes, services and management, and make information access and service delivery to the general public more efficient.

“Over and above all this, the master plan, together with the flagship projects to pilot its implementation, will steer the march towards the digital future that will transform the country into a regional technical hub, raise the country’s competitiveness and align the country in line with vision 2030’s digitalisation agenda.

“These aspirations of creating a digital economy can only be achieved if we first create a digitally literate population.”-The Herald

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