Govt to invest in broadband extension

Government says it will next year invest in the extension of broadband infrastructure and last mile connectivity as it moves to attain a digitally enabled economy and the smart government systems.

This is to aid and consolidate achievements that have been made in the Information Communication and Technology space in recent years.

As it stands over 1300 schools have benefitted from the ICT lab per school programme and through the 2024 National Budget, government has reserved funding that will be directed at enhancing e-learning in a number of schools around Zimbabwe.

The Budget proposal is consistent with the National Development Strategy (NDS1) end-goal of realising a digitally enabled economy, through harnessing and promotion of ICT services across the whole spectrum of the economy.

With the increasing use of bandwidth-intensive applications and the proliferation of connected devices, there remains a need for high-speed connections in the country thus government zeal to invest in broadband and last mile connectivity infrastructure.

Broadband access plays a crucial role in bridging the digital divide, promoting economic growth, and enhancing various aspects of life, including education, healthcare and communication.

It is an essential component for achieving a digitally inclusive society through provision of access to the high quality internet services, and that require large amounts of data transmission.

On the other hand, last mile connectivity refers to the final leg of the network infrastructure that connects the end user to the internet or other communication networks.

It is considered a critical component in delivering reliable, efficient communication services and support to technological advancements which is crucial for activities such as remote work, and, e-commerce.

While making the 2024 National Budget Statement last week, Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion, Professor Mthuli Ncube, said enhancing use, coverage and access of ICT services in the economy will unlock the demographic dividend by empowering the youth to engage in productive activities.

The Minister allocated a total of $185, 3 billion to the Ministry of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services to ensure investment in broadband and last mile connectivity for improved speed and stability of the connection.

“Government will develop a digitalisation roadmap that includes the development of an appropriate institutional framework to drive our ICT interventions and upscale the usage of ICT services in the country.

“Focus will be on extension of the broadband infrastructure, investing in last mile connectivity and complementary facilities, consolidating the implementation of smart government systems and e-government programmes, among other activities that improve access to ICT services especially to the vulnerable groups in society,” Mthuli said.

These government intentions come at a time when allocations from the universal services fund are targeting construction of seven base station sites, 15 community information centres, and deployment of telemedicine at 158 health centres, in the coming year.

Tech expert, Weston Zvinairo, highlighted that intentions by government to invest in broadband, facilitates access to government services, such as online filing of taxes, applying for licenses, and accessing public information.

He said it enhances e-governance initiatives which make government services more efficient and accessible.

“Investment in robust broadband and last mile network ensures reliable and uninterrupted internet connectivity across the country. It empowers entrepreneurs, startups, and researchers to create and explore new ideas, leading to economic and social advancements,” said Zvinairo.

Broadband access fosters innovation and drives the development of digital services which is crucial for e-commerce and economic growth.

Under NDS 1, government intends to grow internet penetration to over 75 percent through improved access and usage of ICTs particularly through investment in broadband and last mile connectivity government.-businessweekly

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