Govt Mulls Introducing Coupon System At ZINARA Tollgates

Transport and Infrastructure Development Minister Felix Mhona told Parliamentarians recently that the government is mulling the introduction of a coupon system to ease congestion at tollgates countrywide.

This comes after motorists have complained of delays at tollgates as the Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (ZINARA) payment systems sometimes experience glitches.

Due to weak mobile network signals at some remote tollgates, motorists endure frustrating delays as the poor network hampers the efficiency of ZINARA’s electronic payment methods.

Responding to concerns that had been raised on Friday by legislators about congestion at tollgates due to network challenges, Mhona said:

They (ZINARA) have introduced what they call the tap card which was giving problems, particularly three or four weeks ago, but they have promised that there is now improved connectivity in terms of the point of sale where they have engaged a number of banks to be part of that very important programme.

So, you will see that ZINARA will soon be introducing a system whereby motorists will be issued with a coupon that they will use daily.

I want to assure members that we have been given a target of March 31 by which date ZINARA would have resolved the issue of queues.

Through Statutory Instrument (SI) 32 of 2021 gazetted early this year, ZINARA hiked tollgate fees and also started collecting the fees in foreign currency.

Light vehicles now pay US$2, minibuses US$3, buses US$4, heavy vehicles US$5 and haulage trucks US$10.

In local currency, light vehicles pay $164, minibuses $246, buses $328, heavy vehicles $410 while haulage trucks are charged $820.

More: Daily News

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