Govt avails $597 million for Beitbridge Redevelopment’s Housing Project

GOVERNMENT has released $597 million for the completion of housing units under the Beitbridge Redevelopment Programme (BRP) to ease perennial accommodation woes for its workers deployed to the border town, a minister has said.

The Minister for Presidential Affairs and Monitoring the Implementation of Government Programmes Joram Gumbo said the funds will be committed to connecting 52 F14 houses to electricity and the water and sewer reticulation facilities.

He said some of the funds will also be used to complete duplex and garden flats whose construction work had been stalled by a number of issues before the New Dispensation.

Minister Gumbo visited Beitbridge on Wednesday to assess progress on civil works under the BRP project that is being rolled out as part of the National Economic Development Priority Programme (NEDPP) initiated in 2006.

He said the Government requires a total of US$6,2 million to complete the outstanding civil works on the massive housing projects.

“The implementation of Government programmes has in the past been hindered by various sector performance inadequacies,” said Minister Gumbo.

“The New Dispensation has therefore adopted the 100 Day Target Based Programme in order to address these challenges and expedite project implementation.

“To that effect, a total of $597 million has been released to the Ministry of National Housing for completion of the civil servants’ housing project in Beitbridge and the Public Works Department which is the contractor is already on site.”

He said the adoption of the 100 Day Target Programme reflects a pledge by the Government to ensure speedy and efficient implementation of projects for the benefit of Zimbabweans.

Minister Gumbo said he had noted with concern that some material delivered on site a few years back was becoming obsolete.

He said it was critical for the treasury to avail more funds for the project as highlighted by the contractor.

“It is disheartening that some building materials have been exposed for a long time and are not usable. These will need to be replaced at an extra cost to the Government,” said Minister Gumbo.

“However, it is pleasing to note that efforts of the new dispensation, has led to the completion of 24 of the 52 F14 houses that have been completed and occupied.

“Indications are that the remaining 28 houses will be ready for occupation once related amenities including water, roads, and power supply works are completed.”

He said the BRP also includes the construction of a new Vehicle Inspection Depot (VID) outside the border post area.

This, he added, would ease the congestion within the Port of Entry by relocating departments whose functions do not require them to be positioned in its immediate proximity.

The minister said the VID project was initiated in 2017 but had also been stalled by funding challenges and that efforts were underway to ensure civil works start immediately.

“These Beitbridge projects should be appreciated since they will contribute to the socio-economic development of the country and the successful implementation of infrastructure development as we intensify efforts to attain Vision 2030,” said Minister Gumbo.

Some of the major infrastructure development projects under the BRP include the construction of a modern truck inn, shopping complex, a five-star hotel (completed), an aerodrome, and the upgrading of the current border post at a cost of US$300 million to meet world-class standards.

Two-thirds of these projects are nearing completion, while others have been completed and some are at various stages of construction. —

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