Government suspends gold extraction at Shurugwi gold mine

GOVERNMENT has suspended gold mining operations at ENR Resources in Shurugwi following the death of a 16-year-old boy on the mine’s premises on Saturday.

It is alleged that on his way home at Selukwe Peak Farm in Shurugwi, 16-year-old Raymond Muyambo slipped on reddish mud and fell into a pit that was left unclaimed by the company.

ENR Resources is one of the three mining giants awarded a special alluvial mining grant by the Cabinet in a pilot project in April this year, giving them powers to de-silt rivers and process extracted ore.

The company is de-silting part of Mutevekwi River and has been accused of failing to reclaim the pits it is digging while doing alluvial gold mining.

Mutevekwi River feeds into Runde River and the mining activities are now affecting activities downstream.
The company, however, has maintained that its operations are above board despite the growing concerns over environmental hazards in the area.

Locals accuse the miner of digging for gold in people’s fields, outside the river or the river bank, which has resulted in the untimely death of Raymond.

Midlands provincial mining director, Engineer Tariro Ndlovu, confirmed the suspension of operations.

“We have suspended the company’s operations because some of their pits are dangerous and need immediate rehabilitation,” he said.

Eng Ndlovu said the communities’ safety was of paramount importance.
He said the abandoned pits have to be barricaded to protect people and livestock.-The Chronicle

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