Government facilitates loans for people with disabilities in mining sector

GOVERNMENT has moved in to capacitate people with disabilities in the mining sector by facilitating provision of loans through Fidelity Refiners to promote their participation in the mainstream economy.

The initiative buttresses President Mnangagwa’s policy of “leaving no place and no one behind” and comes as the country has lined up meetings countrywide to consult citizens on the Disability Bill.

Zimbabwe has vast natural resources with mineral deposits such as chrome, gold, platinum group metals, diamonds and lithium, among others.

Responding to question time at Senate last Thursday, Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Dr Polite Kambamura, said people with disabilities who face funding challenges would be assisted to unlock their business potential.

He was responding to a question from Senator Anna Shiri who asked what the Government was doing to assist people living with disabilities who are keen to tap into mining opportunities.

“At the moment, we have people with disabilities who are in the mining sector. Government is assisting and there are loans at Fidelity, which can be accessed by everyone, disabled or not,” said Dr Kambamura.

“There is also a mining fund where people can get loans. They can come to the ministry and get letters so that they access the money.

“As of now, we have identified land, which is being prospected for the benefit of people with disabilities.

This area is believed to have alluvial gold, which is found well beneath.”

In her remarks, Sen Shiri said President Mnangagwa’s vision of “leaving no place and no one behind” must inspire all sectors of the economy to embrace inclusiveness including capacitating people with disability.

She said people with disabilities, like other citizens in the mining sector should be empowered with loans and equipment to be productive and contribute more to the economy.

Mining is a key economic activity in Zimbabwe and top foreign currency earner. —chronicle

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