Government extends Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme to 2026

GOVERNMENT has enacted a legal instrument enabling the implementation of the Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme until the end of 2026.

The Government has enacted Statutory Instrument 151 of 2024 Civil Protection (Declaration of State of Disaster: Rural and Urban Areas of Zimbabwe) (Road Infrastructure Network) (Amendment) Notice, 2024 (No. 1) allowing it to continue implementing emergency road rehabilitation projects.

President Mnangagwa’s declaration of a state of disaster enabled the Government to adopt the Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme 2 (ERRP 2), which enabled the mobilisation of funds towards road rehabilitation.

Under ERRP 2 extensive road rehabilitation projects were implemented across the country improving the country’s road networks.

The newly enacted Statutory Instrument 151 of 2024 extends the Government’s mandate to implement emergency road rehabilitation works.

“Whereas His Excellency the President declared a State of Disaster in connection with the excessive damage to the road infrastructure network, a state of disaster exists in all rural and urban areas in Zimbabwe, on 23rd February, 2021, by Statutory Instrument 47 of 2021; and Whereas it has become necessary to extend the declaration of the said State of Disaster for a further period to 31st December, 2026,” reads the Statutory Instrument.

“Now, therefore , His Excellency the President, in terms of the provision to section 27(2) of the Civil Protection Act [Chapter 10:06], by this declaration extends the operation of Statutory Instrument 47 of 2021 to the 31st December, 2026.”-chronicle

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