Government engages Midlands tourism stakeholders

THE Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry is engaging private sector players and communities in an effort to find ways of promoting and marketing little known tourism attractions countrywide.

Yesterday, the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Barbara Rwodzi, was in Gokwe South where she engaged the tourism business community.
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Deputy Minister Barbara Rwodzi
Similar visits and engagements have been done in other parts of the country.
Gokwe South is endowed with Heritage and Cultural sites, wildlife, safaris in Chirisa
Safari, natural heritage sites such as Gandavaroyi Gorge, Dzoritsvo Falls, Nhliziyana

Falls, Sengwa Gorge and the magnificent Bopoma Falls.
These sites, if effectively marketed, have potential to transform the Midlands town into a
domestic tourism destination and enhance the country’s ZimBho campaign being
spearheaded by the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA).
ZTA spokesperson, Mr Godfrey Chris Koti, said yesterday’s meeting sought to strengthen
relations between the Government and the private sector in an effort to work towards the
attainment of a US$5 billion tourism economy by 2025 as is espoused in the Tourism
Recovery and Growth Strategy.
Mr Godfrey Chris Koti
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“The Deputy Minister is on a tour of the Midlands Province. The tour will be comprised of
an Environment and Tourism Indaba to be held in Gweru tomorrow, 21 April 2022 and
today she is meeting stakeholders and private sector in Gokwe,” said Mr Koti. – The Chronicle

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