GMB warns of conmen

The Grain Marketing Board (GMB) has warned the public not to fall prey to cunning conmen purporting to be employees of the parastatal, who say they can facilitate foreign currency payments for their grain.

The parastatal said it does not have agents for procurement and payment of grain.

“The Grain Marketing Board (GMB) would like to warn the public from falling prey to conmen who are purporting to be employees of the parastatal and could facilitate them in getting foreign currency,” it said in a statement.

GMB said in one incident, an unnamed farmer was approached by a man purporting to be an Accounting Officer in GMB and could facilitate payment for grain in USD in exchange for RTGS.

“However, after depositing the money into a given account the man started being evasive and finally disappeared. It is also in the public interest to know that GMB does not have agencies for procurement and payment of grain.”

GMB advised members of the public to report suspicious people claiming to be GMB employees to any GMB Depot and any nearest police

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