GMB clears Zimdollar wheat farmers’ arrears

THE Grain Marketing Board (GMB) has fully paid farmers the Zimbabwe dollar component for wheat delivered to its depots throughout the country last year, an official has said.

In a statement, Rockie Mutenha the GMB chief executive officer said efforts were underway to clear the outstanding foreign currency payments.

“The Grain Marketing Board (GMB) has fully paid the entire Zimdollar component of $37 835 876 816. However, should there be a farmer(s) who may not have received the RTGS component, please approach your nearest GMB depot for assistance,” he said.

He said the wheat delivered to the GMB had a total value of $37 835 876 816 and US$31 053 740.

The GMB had started paying the US dollar component on a weekly basis as and when funds were available, he explained.

“Efforts to clear the USD component are currently underway and to date, the Treasury has released US$10 000 000.00 towards paying for the wheat,” Mutenha said, adding payments were being done on a first come first served basis.

“As of 8 February 2023, we had paid for deliveries done on or before the 19th of October 2022. Meanwhile, efforts are being made to ensure that all farmers are paid soon,” he said.

The wheat crop at Tshikwalakwala Irrigation Scheme in Beitbridge

In 2022, more than 80 000 hectares of agricultural land was put under wheat nationwide, with many new farmers venturing into the sector.

As a result, Zimbabwe produced its largest wheat harvest in 2022, which reached 375 000 tons. The 2022 harvest was 13 percent higher than the previous year, breaking a half-century-old record.

Wheat is grown entirely under irrigation during the winter season in Zimbabwe when temperatures are low and favourable for seed yield and quality. – New Ziana.

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