Gas and petroleum observed in Muzarabani’s Mukuyu-2

An Australian firm hunting for oil and gas in Muzarabani, Invictus Energy, yesterday released news regarding the ongoing drilling of its Mukuyu-2 well, which is being used to explore hydrocarbon potential in the region.

The latest findings reveal that the drilling of the 12.4-inch intermediate hole section has been completed to a depth of 1966 metres, and involved setting casing above the zones of interest, where hydrocarbons were encountered in the Mukuyu-1 well.

Furthermore, higher total background gas was observed in Mukuyu-2 compared to Mukuyu-1, along with the detection of heavier hydrocarbons (C4 and C5) in mudgas. These indicators suggest an active petroleum system in the basin, which is a positive sign for potential future discoveries.

“The early signs from Mukuyu-2 are encouraging where we have observed higher background gas and better reservoir quality,” Invictus managing director Scott Macmillan said in a statement.

“Casing is being set above the first zones we encountered hydrocarbons in Mukuyu-1 as we prepare to drill the 8.5-inch production hole section through the Basal Pebbly Arkose towards our primary targets in the Upper Angwa and the untested Lower Angwa formation.”

As preparations begin to drill the 8.5-inch production hole section through key formations, including the Upper Angwa and Lower Angwa, Invictus remains on track to complete the well within the forecasted 50 to 60 days.

“This is an exciting and long-anticipated moment for Invictus and our shareholders and the commencement of our second drilling campaign is a significant milestone.

“Following our successful basin opening Mukuyu-1 wildcat well completed last year, which proved a working petroleum system and multiple hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs has de-risked future drilling and provides us with increased confidence in Mukuyu-2.

“Mukuyu-2, if successful, could be transformational for the Company, Zimbabwe and much of southern Africa’s future energy needs,” Macmillan added.

The well will also penetrate multiple additional targets including the Dande (Jurassic-Cretaceous), Forest and Pebbly Arkose (both Triassic) formations, as well as the previously untested Lower Angwa sequence within the Mukuyu anticline in the central horst structure.

The company said it will continue to provide regular updates as the drilling campaign progresses.-ebusinsssweekly

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