Financial Markets Indaba set for next week

All is set for the Zimbabwe Finance Online Conference that will be co-hosted by the Financial Markets Indaba (FMI) and Business Weekly.

The conference to be held on May 5, 2021, will bring together experts in the banking and financial services sectors discussing the challenges and prospects in those sectors.

Industry decision makers, regulators, international financial institutions, global investment banks, development banks, Zimbabwe banks, institutional Investors, and world class FinTech providers will participate at the conference.

“Zimbabwe Finance Online Conference is dedicated to showcasing the growth and commercial opportunities in Zimbabwe’s developing banking and financial services sector.

“The Conference is being held virtually and will draw together innovative financial institutions from Zimbabwe, Africa and around the world, keen to unlock opportunities in Zimbabwe’s developing financial ecosystem,” said conference coordinator and FMI executive director Patrick Muzondo.

The conference comes as the economy is projected to grow by 7,4 percent in 2021, which is a huge rebound from the 4,1 percent contraction in 2020.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) is projecting an annual inflation rate of about 10 percent by the end of the year.

However, the Covod-19 pandemic slowed down in economic activity as a result of reduced economic activity due to disruptions to business operations.

Like other economies, Zimbabwe is rolling out its Covid-19 vaccine program and this will enable the re-opening of the economy and this will gradually lead to the return to usual economic activity.

The conference therefore presents a chance to highlight the opportunities available in the banking and financial services sector, as the economy rebounds.

Said Muzondo:

“Join Government officials, multinationals, thought leaders and key stakeholders in an unrivalled online conference programme and learn about the prospects within Zimbabwe’s banking and financial sector.”

Discussions will centre on status of the Zimbabwe economy, the banking sector – financing challenges and key solutions, capital markets and the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, fintech, innovation and remittances as well as the Zimbabwe insurance industry.

The FMI is a series of interactive investment related forums and conferences convened in Johannesburg, London, Harare. FMI, which is a unit of Emergent Capital Management (ECM), is based in Johannesburg with a presence in Harare and London and has hosted 30 investor events in the last five years as well as webinar

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