Farmers urged to continue planting wheat

Farmers have been advised to continue planting wheat until early June to meet the targeted 85 000 hectares.

This comes as farmers have intensified planting to meet the May 31 planting deadline.

Inputs distribution has also increased.

Zimbabwe Farmers Union director Mr Paul Zakariya yesterday said winter wheat production is in full swing, with private sector contractors having finished contracting farmers for the season.

“Although significant progress has been made on the AgroYields Scheme, complaints have been raised about late delivery of inputs.

“The optimum planting window is fast closing and by the end of May, all planting must have been done in order to ensure good yields,” he said.

Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union president Dr Shadreck Makombe said planting was progressing well and urged farmers to plant even during the night.

Dr Makombe said inputs distribution had also improved and everything was in place, adding that it was now up to farmers to intensify planting.

Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement Deputy Minister Douglas Karoro last week said measures had been put in place to expedite the movement of inputs to farmers.

Deputy Minister Karoro said although the deadline for planting wheat was May 31, farmers could extend into the second week of June.

There are three major programmes funding wheat production this season.

The major one is the Command Agriculture where CBZ is targeting to fund 60 000 hectares of wheat.

Private investors, joint ventures and self-financed farmers are expected to put 15 000 hectares under wheat, while the Presidential Inputs Scheme will cater for 10 000 hectares.

Farmers under the Presidential Inputs Scheme will receive seed, fertilisers and chemicals on credit against delivery of the crop, but will be expected to pay for electricity and

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