Exports to surpass 10pc target

ZIMBABWE’S trade development and promotion agency, ZimTrade says it sees total exports this year surpassing the 10 percent target enunciated in the National Export Strategy riding on the country’s successful participation at Expo 2020 Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The expo, which began in October last year ended on March 31, 2022. Zimbabwe was among 191 other countries showcasing at the multi-sectoral fair.

Under the Second Republic, the country has, among other things, prioritised the growth and development of an export-led economy as it moves towards attaining an upper middle income society by 2030.

ZimTrade chief executive officer Allan Majuru said the trade body organised the Zimbabwe-Dubai Business Forum earlier this year, which ran on the sidelines of Dubai 2020 Expo and complemented the efforts of the Zimbabwe Pavilion in increasing the visibility of local products and services.

“During the business forum, we organised business-to-business engagements so that local companies can engage buyers from Dubai and beyond. “Buyers who engaged with our companies expressed interest in sourcing from Zimbabwe and this revealed huge potential for Zimbabwean products across the world.

The market linkages created will make it easy for local businesses to land their products and services
in export markets.

“The National Export Strategy is clear that we need to grow our exports as a country by 10 percent every year.

“Considering the business engagements to date, indications are that we will meet the target, and possibly surpass it as we did in 2021, where our export grew by 37,3 percent.”

Mr Majuru said a lot of excitement was generated from local horticultural produce and processed foods, particularly in Dubai and the rest of Middle-East markets. He said the markets in Dubai had indicated willingness to source horticultural produce directly from Zimbabwe.

“Currently, they are getting them through intermediary markets such as the Netherlands.

Going forward, we are expecting to see growing demand for our produce such as avocados, strawberries, blueberries, citrus, peas, fresh and dried fruits, and sweet potatoes.

“In terms of processed foods, our products such as Mazoe and Tanganda tea and a lot more have a high reputation for quality.

“Inquiries on diversified products were received and we are expecting to see more from Zimbabwe on international platforms,” said the ZimTrade boss.

As part of promoting trade and enhancing exports, the agency recently facilitated local companies to participate at the Asia-Pacific Leather Fair, which took place on the sidelines of Expo 2020 Dubai.

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Through the leather fair, local companies in the leather sector and the leather products value chain met buyers from leading markets and discussed order quantities and other requirements.

“We are confident that once companies start fulfilling these orders, we will see exports from this sector growing as well.

“These are just examples of the positive leads generated from Expo 2020 Dubai and ancillary events organised to promote Zimbabwe.”

During Expo 2020 Dubai, Mr Majuru said ZimTrade represented companies from across Zimbabwe’s economic sectors, both established and new exporters.

Companies attended and engaged with buyers during side-events such as the ZimbabweDubai Business Forum.

Cumulatively, more than 50 local companies took part in the above events.

As part of strategies to improve exports, ZimTrade is extending its value-added services to ensure all companies across the country access international markets, and not only those that participated at the expo in Dubai.

“Firstly, issues of competitiveness and capacity are crucial in export business as we need to meet demand and specific market requirements.

“We are establishing provincial clusters in line with the Government’s devolution drive.

Here, the objective is to unlock export value in unique natural resources that provinces are endowed with.
“Ultimately, we are targeting to grow the contribution of each district to national exports,” said Mr Majuru.

He said the agency is also extending capacity development activities to previously marginalised groups across the country as part of strategies to boost exports.

“We will be launching an export programme targeting women this month, whose objective is to nature women-led enterprises into exporting businesses.

“There are several other programmes targeting youth-led enterprises, rural communities, as well as small and medium enterprises.

“As more countries have opened their economies, we plan to conduct a series of export promotion events such as facilitating the participation of Zimbabwean companies at international exhibitions and trade fairs; 15 companies are taking part in the Fruit Logistica, which the largest world fair for horticultural producers with exhibitors from over 88 countries.”

At the event, local exporters are expected to engage the buyers and they will discuss business deals and specific market requirements.

Several such events have been lined up throughout the year to strengthen engagements between local companies and buyers from the rest of the world.

“Other export promotion events that have been lined up include Outward Seller Missions such as the one taking place in Lubumbashi in May, and Inward Buyer Missions,” said Mr Majuru.

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