Egodini developer completes bulk civil works

BULAWAYO’S Egodini Mall developer, Tearracotta Trading (Pvt) Limited, has completed bulk underground infrastructure installations, paving way for Phase 1 top-structure construction works, the contractor’s director, Mr Thulani Moyo, has said.

The popular old Egodini terminus was closed in 2018 to allow for construction works, but since then, residents and other concerned stakeholders have expressed concern over delayed progress.

The contractor has admitted to missing set progress deadlines, attributing these to different setbacks, including the latest Covid-19 impact.

Now Tearracotta insists that by December this year it would have completed Phase One of the ambitious multi-million-dollar project to transform Basch Street Terminus into a modern multipurpose transport and business hub.

The primary focus under Phase 1 is the development of an intermodal public transport interchange (bus terminal and taxi rank) and informal traders facility. This also includes select retail activities in the form of a grocery anchor, fast food outlets, motor repair and a fuel service station.

In response to questions from Business Chronicle, Mr Moyo said construction works were now in full swing following recommencement of on-site operations.

He explained that after receiving its building permit approval for Phase 1A from the City of Bulawayo last November, planned on-site construction works were constrained under the regulated annual sectoral shutdown and subsequent Covid-19 lockdown restrictions until March this year.

Since then, Mr Moyo said the contractor has been seized with installation of bulk infrastructure services involving fresh water supply systems, sewer, storm water drainage system, electrical services, fire system and internal telecommunications.

“Since recommencing construction works on site in March 2021, the focus of the developer has been on decommissioning all the old on-site municipal services infrastructure and installing new underground services infrastructure,” he said.

“The developer has commenced with top structure construction with the first building whose foundation is currently being set out being the motor fitment centre and taxi offices building.

“Other Phase 1A buildings will commence beginning 3 September 2021 with the target for all of them to be completed by the end of this year.”

Mr Moyo said the developer made a strategic decision not to use the existing underground municipal services infrastructure that it found on site due to its significant age and its limited operational suitability for a modern mall facility.

He said Tearracotta was working closely with local registered local contractors and suppliers of key hardware materials with a local firm, JR Goddard leading the civil works operations. Among other local companies involved are; Davis Granite, PPC Cement, China-Zimbabwe Baocheng Bricks and Pro-Plastics.

“The project is positively contributing to the local economy of Bulawayo through procurement from locally based proudly Zimbabwean companies and it is the aim of the developer to support additional local businesses as construction works progress,” he said.
Mr Moyo urged more indigenous companies to also register on the Egodini Business Centre
Database to be able to secure tenders for the ongoing works under the project.

Since re-commencement of works in March this year, he said the civil works phase has created additional 30 jobs with on-site employment in addition to the 90 on-site jobs during the bulk earthworks phase.

“With effect from August 2021, the number of new jobs opportunities has been ramped up even further.

“In June 2021, the developer contacted bricklayers who had registered on the Egodini Job Centre Database for purposes of interviews, practical testing and shortlisting,” said Mr Moyo.

“As a result, the first batch of 30 successful bricklayer candidates are currently concluding their employment contracts to join the existing construction team on the ground.

“In addition to these initial bricklayers, another 45 general labourers are currently also being added to the construction team.”

As the top structure construction continues, the Tearracotta director said they will be adding bricklayers, plasterers and general labourers to the team.

“The addition of further construction staff members is being done cognisant of current Covid-19 regulations in terms of controlling operational capacity levels,” he said.

“To date no accidents or injuries have occurred on site.”

Citing the need to comply with Covid-19 mitigation protocols, Mr Moyo said the contractor has taken necessary precautions to try and protect its teams.

“Since the start of the Covid-19 global pandemic, there have been no on-site incidences of Covid19,” he said.

He paid tribute to the Government for being granted formal approval for the main contractor to work on site during the current lockdown period.

Tearracotta was awarded the tender in 2016 to redesign and develop Egodini into a modern regionaltransport and business facility in line with Bulawayo’s development

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