Econet Victoria Falls marathon gives local economy shot in the arm – hotels, lodges and businesses thrive during popular event

THE 2024 Econet Victoria Falls Marathon, which took place in the resort town a little over a week ago, has given a big boost to the local economy, with businesses reporting unprecedented levels of activity and a revenue boost believed to run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Hotels, lodges and Airbnbs in the scenic town reported full occupancy weeks before the event on July 7, 2024, as marathon participants and tourists flocked to the picturesque city, causing a surge in demand for accommodation.

The annual event, which attracted 5 200 runners from around the world – excluding the accompanying friends and family of the athletes – has become a significant economic driver for Victoria Falls town and the region.

Luxury hotels like The Victoria Falls Hotel, Elephant Hills, Rainbow Victoria Falls Hotel, and AZambezi Hotel along with boutique hotels such as Palm River Hotel, Mbano Manor Hotels and Ilala Lodge, all saw a significant uptake in bookings, contributing to some of their highest revenue figures for the year.

“The Econet Victoria Falls Marathon is one of the highlights of our calendar,” said a duty manager at the Rainbow Victoria Falls Hotel. “We’ve seen a diverse group of guests, from elite runners to families and tourists, all of whom contribute to increased business for us and a bustling atmosphere.”

The influx of visitors also caused a ripple effect on other local businesses. Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs reported brisk business, with many establishments extending their operating hours to accommodate the spike in patrons.

The marathon’s social events, including the pre-race Econet Golf tournament, the pre-race Boot Camp and the Buddie Beatz Victory after-party, drew large crowds, further boosting local businesses.

“We had a record-breaking weekend,” said Phindile Sibanda, owner of a popular local restaurant.
“The marathon brings a lot of people into town, and we see a big increase in our sales. It’s a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our local cuisine and hospitality as well.”

Retailers and service providers also reported benefiting from the marathon’s economic impact, with souvenir shops, local supermarkets and tour operators experiencing an increase in business as visitors sought to make the most of their time in Victoria Falls.

Similarly, the demand for guided tours, adventure activities – such as bungee jumping and jet boating – surged, providing a welcome boost for the local economy.

“We had back-to-back bookings for our tours,” said Tinashe Ndlovu, a local tour operator.
“The marathon brings in a diverse group of visitors, who are eager to explore everything the Victoria Falls has to offer. This event is crucial for our business.”

Long-distance and short-distance bus and shuttle transport operators reported brisk business ferrying visitors within the city and from across the country to Victoria Falls, with the influx of marathon enthusiasts leading to a surge in demand for transportation.-chronicle

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