Econet promotes tourism through Vic Falls Marathon

LEADING telecommunications technology firm, Econet Wireless Zimbabwe, has for the past few years been promoting both international and domestic tourism by supporting the Econet Victoria Falls Marathon.

The Econet Victoria Falls Marathon is a world class event offering a memorable family and friends’ getaway in the majestic resort town of Victoria Falls hosting over 45 countries among them South Africa, United States of America, Ireland, United Kingdom,

Tanzania, Kenya, Philippines, China, Zambia and Namibia to mention just a few. Cumulatively nearly 25 000 racers have participated since its onset in 2012. In line with Sustainable Development Goal number 3 of Health and Wellness, Econet Victoria Falls Marathon has promoted exercise and wellness opportunity in a fun filled fashion.
It has been a springboard for event tourism, which has positively impacted the Zimbabwean tourism industry through hotel bookings, travel, arts and craft.

The listed mobile network operator’s responsibilities also extend to the environment where it goes beyond legal and best practices compliance. It is Econet’s commitment to integrate sound environmental practices into its daily business operations.

It is of priority to the organisation that the business does not leave a negative footprint on the environment and the ecological ecosystems in which it operates.

“We play our part in ensuring that we minimise any negative impact that our operations may have on the environment, as well as take steps to encourage our stakeholders to positively impact our environment.

“Our strategic programmes included solar projects, integrated waste management, spill management and the National E-Waste Campaign.

“We hold our staff members and contractors responsible for compliance with all statutory obligations and best practice conformance,” said Econet.

The telecoms giant believes that economic development cannot exist without increasing well-being and protecting natural resources. Zimbabwe’s largest mobile network operator has already committed to protecting and preserving the environment by reducing its carbon footprint by 2030.

Econet said it remains fully cognisant of the role it plays as a good corporate citizen and recently escalated its value creation efforts to benefit all communities “while managing our carbon footprint and contributing to the country’s growth and transformation”.

The group’s sustainability initiatives remain focused on the environment, ethical and business conduct, national health delivery systems capacitation, leadership and lifelong development, job creation and sustainable livelihoods.

“Our commitment is to ensure that in delivering our products and service, we minimise harm to the physical environment.

“This is in support of the national pledge to achieve energy emissions per capita by 2030 that are 33 percent below the projected business as usual level,” the company added in its latest annual general report.
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Econet is actively taking steps to reduce its own emissions by rolling out clean and renewable energy solutions in pursuit of a cleaner environment. Currently, 121 rural base stations are now operating on solar in an effort to reduce grid usage, minimise greenhouse gas emissions and increasing carbon footprint on management of climate
change and global warming.-The Chronicle

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