Econet CEO reveals secret to success in book

Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Group chief executive officer, Douglas Mboweni, has revealed his secret to success in a new book tittled “A Dusty Road To Success: Principles of an extraordinary life.”

The book, published by South Africa’s Porcupine Press, chronicles Mr Mboweni’s humble beginnings in Mwenezi, a parched, drought-prone district about 500km from Harare in Masvingo province, and recounts his high school and university days, up to the time he was appointed chief executive of Zimbabwe’s most successful companies.

“I am very grateful that God has given me a significant coverage of the journey of success to be in a position to share with you some of the useful insights,” Mr Mboweni says in the book.

The trained computer engineer has seen and experienced some extraordinary milestones in his personal life and on his corporate journey as evidenced by Econet’s positive impact on the lives of millions of Zimbabweans across the country.

The listed mobile network operator has not only weathered the storms and navigated through turbulent economic conditions in the past last decades, but continues to offer quality service and products to marginalised communities.

Mr Mboweni, a devout Christian, condensed his model or formula to success in seven easy-to-follow principles, which he called the Identity, Purpose, Empowerment, Balance, Success, Action and Legacy (IPEBSAL) model.

The model details how people can discover their identity in Christ and start living an extraordinary life of fulfilment with a lasting legacy.

“Each experience I have gone through over the years has shaped me into becoming a better man, a responsible father, a wise leader and a passionate Minister of the Word (of God). It is therefore my desire that people will take each principle seriously, so that they too, can live an extraordinary life,” he said.

“I am a living testimony to the principles laid out in this book.”

The motivational book, also reveals how Econet Group Founder and pan-African businessman Strive Masiyiwa has used the same principles to build and run successful businesses in many countries, despite facing numerous setbacks.

“The year is 1993 and Dr Strive Masiyiwa conceives an idea that would result in the establishment of the Econet Group and transform telecommunications in Zimbabwe and beyond… He approaches several companies and individuals with his idea, including the company he had worked for before.

“Most people either laugh at his idea or simply turn him down, but deep down in his heart, he knows God has empowered him to execute the idea,” Mr Mboweni writes.

“Despite no one believing in him except his wife, he goes on to invest in the birth of his idea. As his business idea grows to be established locally, regionally and internationally, he expands into life-transforming philanthropy and is invited to sit on numerous international boards of repute.

“Today he is an icon and role model to so many other entrepreneurs, all the glory to God.”

Mr Mboweni, who is married to Sarudzayi and the couple has been blessed with three children, said the seven principles are tried and tested, and have “proved to have a cro-cutting nature, working for anyone in their uniqueness”.

“I encourage you to take time to meditate on each principle and apply it to various areas of your life. Be genuine with yourself and you will see them work for you,” he

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