Destined for Greatness: Your Tuesday morning Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara
Normal life. Don’t we all miss getting on with our lives just the way things used to be before the pandemic? Simple things like visiting family, going out to eat, going to church, going to work or school without worry or fear. These are things that we once took for granted. We are now doing some of these activities adhering to set health restrictions and guidelines to ensure our safety. Will we ever be able to return to our normal routine?
At a personal level it has now dawned on me that as much as we think that we have covid-19 figure out, its okay to admit that we don’t. However, that shouldn’t make us throw our hands in the air in despair and give up on life. Allow me to make reference to Isaiah 40:31 “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” God is using the eagle to teach us powerful life lessons that will guarantee us victory despite the challenges that we might be facing. The eagle has several amazing attributes which we can learn from.
Eagles are full of life and at about the age of thirty, the eagle has to go through a very painful revitalization process to re-energize itself with a new lease of life. When the eagles reach the age of 30, their physical body condition deteriorates fast making it difficult for them to survive. The feathers will be heavy, the talons and beak become blunt, making it difficult to catch prey. At this point, since it is a phenomenal characteristic of an eagle that it never gives up living, instead it retreats to a mountain top and over a five month period goes through a metamorphosis. It knocks off its own beak by banging it against a rock and waits for a new beak to grow. It then plucks out its talons and feathers with the new beak. Each stage produces a re-growth of the removed body parts, allowing the eagle to live for another 30 – 40 years.
There are times in our life similar to what we are currently going through that we must deeply reflect and take audit of our life. The good and the bad experiences we have been through this pandemic. We too must go through a similar transformation to let go of what is now slowing us down and embrace that which will keep us relevant as we adjusr to the new normal. This is the time that everyone has to be honest with yourself. What are the new skills you will need to acquire and areas you will have to improve to survive. Success in the new normal comes to those who know themselves; their strengths, their values, and how best to adapt. Covid has ushered us into an economic order where rewards will be determined by our results and contribution not activity. The responsibility is upon your shoulders to adapt or watch yourself slowly lose significance; the choice is yours. Next week I will continue to share life transforming lessons drawn from the attributes of an eagle.