Destined for Greatness : Your Tuesday morning Inspiration with Gerald Chinogara

Almost all things that are possible can be accomplished by man through experience and skill, but to do the impossible experience and skill alone will not be enough, the impossible is achieved through faith. This makes faith a potent force that makes it possible to do the impossible and unimaginable in life. The Bible define faith as the substance or title deed of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen and goes to attest that without faith it is impossible to please God.

One of the greatest limitations for most of us is failure to completely grasp what one can accomplish through the law of faith. Yes faith is law, similar to the same way that the law of lift supersedes the law of gravity, it is exactly the same way that the law of faith supplants the natural laws.

Most of us unfortunately run our lives out of fear and not faith. If your fears scream loudly daily, you will not be able to hear the softer whispers of your higher angels of bravery, creativity, prosperity and impact. You’re meant to shine, to have a meeting with greatness and reveal the most excellent version of the grandest vision of yourself to the world.

As human beings, I do not believe that the primary purpose of being here on the planet is to watch mindless television or follow the trainwreck lives of certain celebrities on social media. We are not born into limitation. We are taught to doubt, educated to make excuses and trained to fear.

Through the messages of our earliest teachers we are schooled strictly on how the world works, the ways we must operate to fit in with the group and the manner in which we must think in order to stay safe. Through the hurts that we all collect as we advance through life, our brains actually lose their capability to express our natural genius.

The suffering that is part of a life richly lived causes our once wide open hearts to close; limiting not only our joy and wonder but also the passion that drives elite productivity and heroic performance. So what’s the workaround to turn limitation into freedom and tiny thinking into boundless belief in your potential, your talents and the fantastic future that destiny has in store for you?

It’s to rescript your current identity to defeat what Robin Sharma calls the The 5 Devils of Psychological Sabotage which are:

Devil #1 excuses. Your excuses are liars, your doubts are thieves. The more times in a day that you rationalize why you can’t become all that you wish to be or handcraft the life that your best self wants, the more you’ll hardwire the neural circuit of that belief into your brain. And that which you keep practicing is that which you’ll become a pro at. We become amazing at the things we repeat.

Devil # 2 is Blame. Blaming others is giving your primal power to the people and conditions that you blame. We reinforce our psychological victim stories and procrastination patterns to the point where they actually become our identity the more we blame.

Devil # 3 is Gossip. Speaking about people who are not present amplifies what you speak of within your own thinking. Talk of someone else’s misdeeds, weaknesses or blindspots and you’ll be cementing these within your own mentality. And your daily behavior will always reveal these deepest beliefs.

Devil #4 is Complaining Complaining is a meek form of anger. The more you grumble about what’s not working for you, the more you’ll be training your brain to look for those things in your environment.

Devil #5 is Apathy. Your brain requires novelty to become fully engaged. Without a mighty mission to give your days over to, high value targets that electrify your enthusiasm and meaningful pursuits that fuel your joy, you’ll grow bored and apathetic. You will he terrified of living your genius and honoring your original gifts that you suppress your ambitions.

With faith there is no limit to what you can become, but remember you will never rise above the perception that you have of yourself and faith is the last frontier for barrier breaking to live to your full preordained divine potential.

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