Delta pumps US$2m into school bursaries

CLOSE to 2 000 less-privileged students have benefited from the Delta Corporation bursary programme, which has channeled close to US$2 million over the years.

The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange-listed company runs a vibrant education assistance programme, which includes school bursaries where it pumps in close to US$$100 000 annually.

Yesterday Delta Corporation celebrated its 125th anniversary in style when it officially inducted over 50 students going into Advanced Level and university as part of its bursary rollout programme.

Delta Corporation Limited

Official proceedings were held at the Mandel Training Centre in Harare where Delta expressed its commitment to contribute to making the world a better place for all through transformative community projects.

“The company believes in a brighter, better, thriving and growing society, and today something new has come to fulfil this aspiration in the bursary scheme community and the company is proud of it,” said Delta in a press statement shared with the media after the event.

“To date, close to 2 000 students have benefited from the programme over the years amounting to US$$2 million investment.

“Delta has a total of 100 students benefiting from the programme from A-Level up to university this year and these students have been selected with the help of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education.”

The bursary scheme is also complemented by its Delta Technical Institute (DTI) that develops artisans for the group from A Level students.

The company said its DTI has seen over 2 000 artisans over the years graduate, and these have been absorbed in various jobs within the organisation.

The Mandel Training Centre of the business focuses on imparting managerial skills to graduate trainees through its extended programmes such as the Graduate Development and Supervisory Development Programmes.

“To the students, they should take this investment as a pillar of inspiration.

The value of the bursary in this difficult environment should challenge them to work hard to improve themselves academically so that in turn they may be able to further develop the communities where they come from,” said Patricia Murambinda, general manager – corporate affairs.-chronicle

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