Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers invites Seychelles MSMEs

CONFEDERATION of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR) has invited Seychelles micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to collaborate with local players and invest in the blue and secular economies, saying that Zimbabwe’s growing economy, particularly in sectors like aquaculture, tourism, manufacturing and digital services, offers a wide array of investment and business opportunities.

This was said during the two-day United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (Uneca) Sub-Regional Office for Eastern Africa (SRO-EA) dissemination of the outcomes of the situational study of MSMES in blue economy and circular economy.

This conference which started yesterday is being held in Seychelles and will validate the market access study, which has earmarked Comesa and Sadc countries as being the most suitable markets, and also train the MSMEs of the two sectors in Seychelles on how to access the identified markets and connect with potential buyers and business partners, to develop regional value chains.

In his presentation, CZR president, Mr Denford Mutashu said Seychelles MSMEs can benefit from Zimbabwe’s growing economy, strategic location and supportive business environment.

By capitalising on these opportunities, Mr Mutashu said Seychelles MSMEs can achieve growth and success in Zimbabwe.

“Zimbabwe’s blue economy, while not as extensive as coastal nations, centres primarily around the country’s vast inland water bodies.

“These resources, including Lake Kariba, one of the largest man-made lakes in the world, and the Zambezi River, provide opportunities in areas such as aquaculture, tourism, and hydroelectric power generation. Aquaculture, in particular, is a growing industry in Zimbabwe, with increased interest in fish farming due to the country’s high demand for fish and the decline of capture fisheries,” he said.

Dr Denford Mutashu

“For Seychelles MSMEs, there are several potential opportunities. Specifically, they could leverage their expertise in sustainable fishing, marine tourism and conservation efforts in the blue economy sector.”

He said Seychelles MSMEs could partner with local businesses or invest in aquaculture ventures, or they could capitalise on the budding eco-tourism market around Zimbabwe’s lakes and rivers.”

Mr Mutashu added that Zimbabwe’s secular economy, independent of religious considerations, encompasses a wide range of sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, mining and services.

Agriculture, a significant contributor to Zimbabwe’s gross domestic product, involves the cultivation of crops like tobacco, maize, and cotton.

Mr Mutashu said Seychelles MSMEs opportunities exist across these sectors. — chronicle

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