Companies urged to be innovative

Zimbabwean companies need to produce brands that are highly competitive on regional and global markets to ensure a strong economy that contributes to improved livelihoods for citizens Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said last week.

Speaking at the 2021 Superbrand Awards in Harare on Friday, Senator Mutsvangwa said:

“. . I want to implore marketers to develop quality brands which can compete globally. It is high time that we consider global markets for our Zimbabwean products.

“Sustainable economic development can only be attained if we support local brands and products. As our brands grow, they will then be able to launch into regional and international markets.

“In line with this, ladies and gentleman, I am happy to say that Government is in the process of streamlining and simplifying import and export regulations, rules and procedures in the spirit of SADC, Comesa and the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) protocols, to encourage companies to embrace the export oriented and import
substitution strategy.”

On its part, said Minister Mutsvangwa, Government was on a mission to re-brand the country so that it competes favourably among the community of nations.

The goodwill accrued from owning a positive brand and image was invaluable.
The “Zimbabwe is open for Business” policy, along with the overarching Vision 2030 of an empowered upper middle income economy, attests to President Mnangagwa’s desire to discard negative appendages that have weighed down and soiled Zimbabwe’s image for the past two decades.

“Government’s aim for Zimbabwe is to attain upper middle income status by the year 2030, and this can only be possible if we mobilise sufficient social capital consistent with a sellable brand whose appeal extends across the globe,” said Senator Mutsvangwa.

She commended the recognition of upcoming brands that have penetrated the market through innovation, adding that creativity and innovation was the basis upon which enduring brand image was created.
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“As brand leaders, we can also grow our brands by investing in and growing our global and digital platforms. We need to ensure that we have viable and accessible e-commerce platforms as well as websites that showcase our brands and products,” Minister Mutsvangwa said.

“This is because in the ever-evolving world of marketing, a larger chunk of the future market for our products and services is going to be found online. Technological innovations are making it not only fashionable, but necessary to create a growing digital footprint for consumers who we seek to reach and serve.

“It is also worth mentioning that a country’s level of growth can be reflected on its products and services which is ultimately reflected by its brands.”

Minister Mutsvangwa encouraged organisations that are seeking to re-brand to do so in tandem with the collective effort of re-branding Zimbabwe.

The Superbrand Awards, organised by the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe, seek to recognise and reward brand excellence and celebrate companies that have established the finest reputation in their various fields.

This year, The Herald and Star FM were among the brands that excelled in their fields. Proton was named the overall Superbrand winner for 2021.-The Herald

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