City Parking, Gweru City in joint venture

Harare firm City Parking has partnered Gweru City Council to form Gweru City Parking in a joint venture to extract more revenue from its parking.

City Parking managing director Mr Simon Muzviyo yesterday stressed it was not going to be Harare City Council running parking in Gweru, but Gweru City Parking, although City Parking is owned by Harare City Council.

The issue is council being the owners of the land and resources in Gweru and its parking infrastructure, we are coming in with the expertise, knowledge and information and communication technology.

“We formed a company called Gweru City Parking, and City Parking and Gweru City Council are the two shareholders for that company. You would find that local authorities take parking like something that is not worthy and parking is not a core business of local authorities. But it can be used to assist as a source of revenue to help the local authorities, which is the current arrangement.”

Mr Muzviyo said running on their own, local authorities cannot break-even in terms of parking, hence the partnerships.

City Parking public relations manager Mr Francis Mandaza said the joint venture agreement will help in effective management of parking. “City of Gweru handed over the mandate to manage parking and enforce parking by-laws in Gweru to Gweru City Parking effective April 1, 2021. The parking fees in Gweru remain the same as they were under the City of Gweru, that is, US$1 or $80 per hour,” he

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