Chrome miners call for more support

CHROME miners say they are not being given enough support by the Government to enable the sector to fully contribute to the attainment of the US$12-billion mining economy by 2023.

Speaking during a small-scale mining indaba in Kwekwe on Friday Chrome Miners Association representative, Mr Isaac Chibendera, said chrome miners were not getting the same support as that being given to gold miners.

Mines and Mining Development Minister, Winston Chitando, who was supposed to be the guest of honour did not attend the meeting, which sought to iron out challenges facing the small-scale mining sector.

“For example, the issue of forex retention in the gold mining sector was addressed but the chrome mining sector was left out. We feel this facility should be all encompassing as we all play a role towards the achievement of vision 2023,” said Mr Chibendera.

He also said disputes over the ceding of claims in the chrome sector should be urgently ironed out and that an independent body be set up to investigate the matter.

“The ceded claims benefited ZimAlloys, Zimasco and other top officials only. I urge the Government to establish an independent body to investigate the issue,” said Mr Chibendera.

Gemstone and base minerals chair, Mr Walter Kawara, said the sector alone was worth millions of dollars and if properly supported it can easily turnaround the fortunes of the country.

“The gemstone sector is a US$23 billion industry and surely if it gets the support it needs, we wouldn’t be crying about sanctions. We therefore call upon the Government to give us the support to enable us to contribute towards achieving the US$12 billion economy,” he said.

Mr Kawara said the chrome industry does not require any external investor to prosper as it does not need much labour and mechanisation.

He said what the mining sector requires is policy support.

Mr Moses Marufu from an organisation called the Disabled in Mining said most disabled miners were falling prey to unscrupulous miners and officials who grab mines from them.

“As the disabled in mining we should be given priority and be empowered so that we do not continue surviving on handouts,” he said.

Midlands provincial mining director, Mr Nelson Munyanduri, represented Minister Chitando and promised to take the miners’ concerns to the

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