Centrawest applies for 20,8mw solar power plant

AN Independent Power Producer, Centrawest (Private) Limited has applied for a power generation licence intending to set up a 20,8MW solar photovoltaic plant at Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC) Zimbabwe cement factory in Gwanda.

The cement producer has announced the intention to establish a solar power plant at its clinker factory in Collen Bawn with a view to sustain its electricity requirements while excess energy would be fed into the national grid.

In a statement last week, the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (Zera) said the license application by Centrawest (Private) Limited has been in terms of the provision of Section 42 and 46 of the Electricity Act (Chapter 13:19).

“Zera has received an application from Centrawest (Private) Limited to contract, own, operate and maintain a 20,8MW solar photovoltaic power plant at PPC Collen Bawn cement plant in Gwanda.

“Centrawest (Private) Limited intends to generate power from proposed solar plant for captive power for PPC Collen Bawn cement plant,” it said.

The energy regulator has issued a notice for the proposed project in line with section 4(3) of the Electricity (Licencing) Regulations which spells out that the transmission licence authorises the licensee to engage in grid construction, operation and maintenance of transmission facilities. – The Chronicle

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