“CANEX a catalyst for the African creative industry”

The Creative Africa Nexus Summit running under the theme ‘One People, United in Culture, Creating for the World’ was officially opened yesterday by Mrs Kanayo Awani, executive Vice President, Africa Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank).

UNESCO estimates that globally, cultural, and creative industries generate around US$2.25 trillion annually and employ 30 million people worldwide.

However, Africa represents only one percent of this output as the creative industry continues to face challenges such as limited access to financing, copyright infringement, infrastructure and technology gaps, lack of capacity and shortage of skilled professionals and limited market access and international exposure.

But by overcoming these challenges, Africa’s creative and cultural industries can unlock their full potential, contribute to economic growth, create employment opportunities, preserve cultural heritage, and shape a vibrant and diverse creative landscape.

To that effect, the African Export-Import Bank carefully crafted the Creative Africa Nexus Programme to address these challenges head-on.

Mrs Kanayo said: “It is not built in our DNA or nature, to look the other way on any developmental matter concerning Africa and its Diaspora.

” The Creative Africa Nexus Programme serves as a catalyst for the African creative industry, a platform that nurtures, supports, and amplifies the voices of talented individuals across various artistic disciplines. It is a space where ideas flourish, where connections are forged, and where dreams find their wings, ” said Kanayo.

She said the CANEX programme was

born out of a collective desire to unlock the true potential of African creativity.

” This Summit is a hub for collaboration, where creatives from diverse backgrounds can come together, exchange ideas, and create something truly unique. It serves as a platform for showcasing African talent to the world, bridging the gap between local and international audiences, and fostering a sense of pride and celebration of African creativity.

For the CANEX at IATF 2023 edition, CANEX PRESENTS AFRICA introduces the CANEX Luxury Fashion Exchange, a platform for a carefully curated selection of qualified African designers to showcase to buyers from Africa and the rest of the World.

On its part Zimbabwe also incorporated the Creative Hub which should be able to benefit from the CANEX programme.

Zimtrade chief executive officer Allan Majuru said among exhibitors from Zimbabwe are first time entrance “whom we trained who are here for exposure” .

“Its not only about the deals but also to learn international best practices in terms of how best can we be competitive when we participate in the continental market.

So yes a lot of opportunities are there but we also need to make sure that when we participate at these fairs we know how best to take advantage of those opportunities,” Majuru said.

Joseph Chifamba, whose company Chif African Jewels makes jewellery from cow horns and bones said IATF, of which the CANEX programme is part of, provides a platform to showcase his company’s creative products such as earrings, necklaces, hair clips, bracelets and candle stands.

“We are here in Egypt (IATF2023) to showcase our products. It is our hope that we will get business linkages that will sustain us in the future,” said Chifamba.

Ms Emmer Ndlovu, who is into basket weaving in Binga under Camfed said IATF2023 had provided an opportunity to explore new markets.

Her colleague Sicelosenkosi Mlilo from Tsholotsho said shared the same sentiments saying IATF 2023 was a good market to showcase their products and benchmark with other creatives across the continent.-ebusinessweekly

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