Calls for reduction of duty on energy-related products

CONSUMER Protection Commission (CPC) has called upon the Government to consider
reducing import duty on energy-related products saying the move has potential to offer
an opportunity for the public to invest in clean energy.

This comes following the celebrations of World Consumer Day last week where CPC was
part of five Comesa member states that partnered with the Comesa Competition
Commission in commemorating the day, which ran under the theme; Empowering
Consumers Through Clean Energy Transitions.

CPC chairperson Dr Mthokozisi Nkosi told Business Chronicle that it was important for
consumers to switch to clean energy as it has immense benefits ranging from economic
and reducing air pollution.
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“There should be deliberate policies by the Government to reduce duties on all clean
energy-related products.

This is to ensure that the service is available to the generality of the population,” said Dr

“Zimbabwe as a country with a shortage of foreign currency, clean energy reduces
dependency on imported fuels, thereby improving our balance of payments.

There are inherent cost savings with clean energy as there is no need to extract and
transport fuels, such as oil or coal.”

Dr Nkosi also said other industrial benefits of clean energy for Zimbabwe include the
creation of jobs to developers, manufacturers, and installers of the clean energy
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“This year’s theme is perfect for a developing economy like Zimbabwe, as it forces the
country to look inside in addressing its challenges, for example, wind power, water, or
solar energy is readily available to power clean energy.

“The country is putting in place a number of measures to make the importation of
equipment, such as solar panels more affordable and accessible.

“Some consumers have formed clubs to help acquire these gadgets. In other instances,
they can also have community solar projects.”

In a statement, Comesa Competition Commission said while the clean energy transition
presents immense benefits to consumers, there are several concerns that need to be
addressed during and after the transition.
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Solar energy
“Such consumer concerns include cost-effectiveness and freedom of choice, quality, and
reliability, safety, fair and dignified treatment of consumers, fair contracts, effective
regulatory regimes as well as data privacy,” reads the statement.

“All stakeholders have a core role to play in delivering a just transition for consumers.
This presents a window of opportunity to hold producers, and policymakers to their
commitments and ensure effective consumer protection during the transition and

“Consumers are core marketplace actors and not passive bystanders in the energy
transition so their interest needs to be addressed.”-The Chronicle

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