Call for direct flights to aid Zim-Turkey trade volumes

THERE is a need to facilitate direct flights between Zimbabwe and Turkey for enhanced logistics
and transportation, which will boost trade volumes between the two countries, an official has said.
Speaking during the Zimbabwe and Turkey business webinar, ZimTrade chief executive officer Mr
Allan Majuru urged the Turkish airline and Airline Zimbabwe to consider establishing a direct
route or have a synergy arrangement to ensure ease of movement for both goods and human

“To facilitate business between the two countries, there is need to make sure that, whether it is Air
Zimbabwe or Turkish Airline, there is a direct flight that comes to Zimbabwe or to Turkey from
Zimbabwe,” he said.

“We believe there are a lot of people going to Turkey and also vice versa. So, it’s quite something
that needs to be taken note of.”

Mr Majuru said Turkey has advanced technology that Zimbabwe, riding on the cordial bilateral
relations between the two states, could tap into for retooling of local industry to buttress
production of value-added goods.

“In terms of technology, Turkey has a lot that we can tap into for us to retool our industries. I think
it is also an area that we need to look into,” added Mr Majuru.

ZimTrade has been on the forefront in linking local businesses with key export markets through
market intelligence studies and trade conferences at home and abroad.

Most surveys have shown that Zimbabwe has a huge opportunity on processed foods and
opportunities in the horticulture sector, in particular, whose produce is on high demand in
countries such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the European Union, among others.
Mr Majuru said although Turkey produces horticultural products, the two nations’ seasons differ
and that can facilitate trading of key products.

“I know Turkey also produces horticultural produce but I looked at the seasons and they are quite
differentso when things are not available in Turkey maybe Zimbabwe can push producing and
when they are not in Zimbabwe maybe Turkey can do the same,” he said.

“I will guarantee you that if you taste our blueberries, you will not eat any other blueberry because
they are very natural organic and also for avocadoes, we are the fifth largest producer in Africa.
“When you are eating avocados, there is a high chance that they are coming from Zimbabwe but
also on the same note there is need to encourage investments through ZIDA,” said Mr Majuru.
During the meeting Turkey officials said they were excited about investment and trade
opportunities offered by Zimbabwe.-The Chronicle

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