Cabinet okays no jab, no Zupco ride policy

GOVERNMENT has ordered the setting up of vaccination centres at all bus termini across the country to encourage people to be vaccinated and threatened that those who were not jabbed would not be allowed to travel on public transport.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa in February warned that there would come a time when all those who would not have been jabbed would not be allowed to use Zupco transport.

Information minister Monica Mutsvangwa made the pronouncement after a Cabinet session last night where she warned that the time for such a measure was imminent following the detection of the Omicron variant.

“Government will be establishing vaccination sites at main intra and intercity bus termini so as to ensure that those not vaccinated but wishing to do so can have the doses administered before boarding public transport,” Mutsvangwa said.

“Time is coming when people will not be allowed to board public transport without a valid vaccination card.”

Mnangagwa also warned early this year that non-vaccinated people would not be employed in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe recorded 2 555 new COVID-19 cases on Monday, a sharp increase since the discovery of the Omicron variant last week.

“Cabinet notes with concern that there has been a sharp increase in the average total number of new cases reported per day during the past two weeks,” Mutsvangwa said.

A total of 3 882 255 people had been vaccinated as of December 6, 2021. Zimbabwe had set the end of December target to vaccinate at least 60% of the population to achieve herd immunity. Government has also started vaccinating teenagers. There are fears of a fourth wave following a sharp increase in confirmed

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