Business community commends revised indigenisation policy

THE business community has commended the revised indigenisation and economic policy recently launched by Zanu-PF saying it creates a conducive environment for locals to play their role in economic development.

This follows the launch of the revised policy by former Cabinet minister who is also Zanu-PF secretary for Indigenisation and Economic Development Dr Mike Bimha in Kwekwe recently.

The Government introduced the indigenisation law almost a decade ago, but had to be revised so that it meets the aspirations of the Second Republic, which has declared the “Zimbabwe is open for business” mantra.

The party reviewed the policy following the ushering in of the Second Republic under President Mnangagwa.

The coming into power of the new political administration in November 2017 has ushered in a new thrust on
economic development and growth.

It is in this context that the review of the indigenisation policy has been anchored on.

Launching the policy, Dr Bimha said it was revised to buttress the National Development Strategy 1 as the country moves towards achieving an upper middle-income economy by 2030.

Business Economic and Empowerment Forum (BEEF) president, Dr Solomon Matsa whose organisation organised the event, said the policy creates opportunities for Zimbabweans to prosper.

“President Emmerson Mnangagwa is on record saying Zimbabwe is open for business. I am happy that his Government is doing exactly that as they continue to create an enabling environment for Zimbabweans to start business and contribute towards nation building,” he said.

Mr Matsa said his organisation stood ready to support Government initiatives.

“Government is doing everything to support the business community, we also stand ready to support the vision of our Government and the President. We have a leadership that creates policies that promote us as locals and let’s take advantage of that. The policy is in line with what we envisage as the business community as it continues opening up
business opportunities for Zimbabweans to prosper,” he said.

Dr Matsa urged the Government to walk the talk on availing capital for prospective entrepreneurs.

“As BEEF, we urge the Government to create a National Credit Policy so that there is capital readily available that empowers those who envisage to start business and empower them with money to do so,” he said.

BEEF, he said, stands for accountability and transparency, which seem to be lacking among most Zimbabweans.

A hotelier himself, Dr Matsa said he envisaged a Zimbabwe which would become a tourism destination given the vast tourism destinations and some of the world’s best weather.

Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) president, Dr Tinashe Manzungu pledged to start working and implementing the policy.

“As the business community, we stand ready to support the Government in all they are trying to achieve by launching the revised policy. As ZNCC, we are there to ensure the economy thrives,” he said.

The policy is what the business environment requires.
“This is what we require, Government creating a conducive environment for us to thrive.

Now that the policy is in place, we are ready to swim,” he said.

Affirmative Action Group (AAG) representative, Mrs Anastacia Ndlovu said the policy empowers everyone especially the youths.

“As an empowerment lobby group, we are glad with the launch of the policy which empowers youths mainly. The policy will also guide Government policy and the nation will prosper,” she said.

Mrs Ndlovu said the policy will also go a long way in buttressing Vision 2030, NDS1 and the devolution agenda.
The policy document was first launched in Bulawayo before being rolled out in the Midlands province with the next stop being Manicaland province.

The policy seeks to empower locals to be masters of their own economy by taking up investment opportunities available in the country.

Foreign investors should support through capital injection and equipment. – The Chronicle

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