‘Bulawayo ripe for lucrative investments’

THE City of Bulawayo is ripe for lucrative investments that cover diverse sectors of the economy, which potential investors who are attending the ongoing Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) could exploit, an official has said.

Bulawayo City Council (BCC)

A number of challenges that face the city are actually business investment opportunities that entrepreneurs should take advantage of to create income.

Among these are investment gaps in tackling power shortages, water supply, and waste management challenges.

In an interview at their ZITF stand, Bulawayo City Council economic development officer, Mr Kholisani Moyo, said investors should embrace available opportunities by solving the city’s challenges at the same time supporting the growth of the economy.

On its part, he said the local authority was ready to provide essential enabling services as he urged the private sector to come on board.

“There is a vast opportunity to invest in renewable energy because we have enough sunshine throughout the year and there are few people who are fully utilising this opportunity,” he said.

“We also have investment opportunities in both solid and liquid waste recycling, we don’t have anyone who is producing gas at our sewer station, but the opportunity is there.

“We have opportunities on smart infrastructure and we have been advertising Renkini where we want a concept and we were saying we want city regeneration, which allows conversion of those old places like the old bus terminus and Makokoba as we want to transform that area to be a better place, the opportunities are just many and it depends with the sector you want to venture in.”

Mr Moyo said private companies should utilise their rooftops to install solar systems, which will also lessen power challenges.

He revealed that BCC has started implementing some solar projects as their revenue offices are already powered by solar systems while work is underway to install solar farms at their water pumping stations.

Solar projects will also lessen water challenges that have been initiated by a shortage of power to pump water.

BCC is also exhibiting at this year’s ZITF and the authority has its own theme: “Local Innovation in a Global Economy”, which is also in line with the 2023 ZITF theme: Transformative Innovation, Global Competitiveness.

Mr Moyo said the authority has been spearheading innovative projects, which will see growth in heritage and culture tourism, smart infrastructure development, and water and sanitation.

Government is seeking potential investors to fund the renewable mini-grids, which will supply clean and sustainable energy in rural and urban communities for solar water pumping and household use as the country moves towards 2030.

Renewable energy has been identified globally as a low-hanging fruit in realising the goal of increasing the electrification of rural communities.

In Zimbabwe, the crucial role being played by renewable energy, especially the mini-grid systems will see a rapid deployment of clean sustainable energy in rural communities. -chronicle

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