Bulawayo industrial hub revival to come under spotlight

THE revival of Bulawayo’s industrial base will come under the spotlight in August when the Matabeleland Development Initiative (MDI) holds a dialogue to map out strategies to resuscitate it.

Ms Nokuthula Ncube, Programmes Director of MDI said in line with National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1), the Government’s economic policy through to 2025 which is targeting rebuilding Zimbabwe’s once vibrant industrial base, said several players drawn from various sectors will deliberate on reviving industries.

The dialogue that would coincide with the launch of Queen Loziba Education Fund would be held under the theme “Enhancing sustainable development by facilitating the creation of an enabling environment for investment”

Bulawayo suffered decade-long economic challenges that caused many firms to fold, with the majority of those that survived relocating to Harare.

Thousands of jobs were lost and it is in that vein that MDI seeks to input in the resuscitation drive.

“We are bringing together business entities from Matabeleland to dialogue on the resuscitation of industries in the region and explore the growth paths of other business sectors.

“We held the first dialogue edition in 2018 and due to Covid-19 pandemic, we could not hold subsequent editions,” she said.

MDI is dedicated to achieving sustainable development, economic growth by investing in education, health as well as the environment and economic development in the Matabeleland region.

“The city and the region have several firms which used to employ a lot of people that are now closed but we believe those industries can be resuscitated through dialogue and mapping out strategies.
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“We are hoping to attract Government officials, local authorities and industrialists to
give insights on public private partnerships (PPPs). As the country is seized with
National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) we are hopeful that a lasting solution can be
found for regional industries and businesses in general,” she said.
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Despite the disruptive Covid-19 pandemic in the past two years, the city registered
strong business recovery momentum in 2021, which was evidenced by improved capacity
utilisation and exports by several local companies.

Riding on the ongoing ease of doing business reforms, fiscal incentives and enhanced
access to foreign currency through the auction system, the Government has pledged that,
going forward, more attention will be given to assisting ailing firms and resuscitating
some of the closed operations.

Big companies in Bulawayo such as diversified Treger Group of Companies, Archer
Clothing, Zimplow and United Refineries Limited, Sheppco BMA Fasteners, Metal
Founders, Datlabs, Kango Products, Zambezi Tanners, General Beltings and Arenel are
emerging stronger.

United Refineries Limited
In May last year President Mnangagwa visited Bulawayo and toured some of the top
performing companies where he expressed excitement about the re-industrialisation
drive and commended private sector leaders for embracing innovation to drive their
resuscitation. – The Chronicle

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