Boreholes to boost horticulture plan

Drilling more boreholes in communal areas under the Presidential Rural Horticulture Scheme, part of the broader Horticultural Recovery and Growth Plan, will be giving communities access to safe water for schools and households.

The Presidential Rural Horticulture Scheme and Horticultural Recovery and Growth Plan programme seeks to uplift marginalised communities in line with the National Development Strategy (NDS1).

The first phase of the programme will be rolled out in December.

Around 1 800 boreholes will be drilled this year, almost a third at schools, for both horticultural production and primary water supplies with provincial leaders and local communities deciding where the drilling takes place.

The multi-year plan sees one borehole in every village and one at each of the 9 600 schools.

In the early stages, Government is targeting three boreholes per ward and where there is sufficient yield, piped water schemes powered through solar energy will be developed to serve villages and institutions.

Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement Minister Dr Anxious Masuka and State Security Minister Owen Ncube witnessed the drilling of boreholes at Manoti in Gokwe over the weekend.

Addressing the Manoti community, Minister Ncube said the Second Republic under the leadership of President Mnangagwa was doing everything to make sure that no one is left behind in the country’s agenda to achieve Vision 2030.

“Our Government, through the wise leadership of His Excellency, President Emmerson Mnangagwa is doing a lot for the country through the various developmental initiatives. Within a short space of time, we have seen what Government has done and continues to do under the stewardship and visionary leadership of His Excellency the President.

“Only jealousy people will turn a blind eye to major strides Government has been making in terms bringing development closer to the people,” said Minister Ncube.

He said the Pfumvudza programme was one such milestone by the Government and the Presidential Horticulture was a follow up programme to further empower the rural communities.

“These boreholes and the Pfumvudza programme are clear examples of such projects which are people centred and the President has not stopped there,” he said.

Minister Masuka said the boreholes were meant to capacitate disadvantaged rural communities.

“We are saying we will not stop until our communities are capacitated. The President’s vision is very clear and like he always says failure is not an option,” he said.

Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA), chief executive Engineer Taurayi Maurukira said the first stages would be seeing a borehole in each ward and school in remote areas. Zinwa was also constructing dip tanks in resettlement areas.

“We want to do business at village level. Every ward will have a borehole half hectare of farming and a dip tank. This will improve the lives our people in a great way,” he said.

Villagers in Manoti welcomed the initiative and hailed President Mnangagwa for taking development to the poor.

“I am looking forward to start a small garden that will help in raising school fees for my children. This shows that we have a listening Government. We have been struggling here in terms of water and our livestock will get water to drink from this initiative, said a villager,” Mr Edgar

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