Bindura engages NRZ over crossing permit

Bindura Municipality has engaged the National Railways ofZimbabwe for the railway crossing permit from the construction of an access road to Makusha cemetery from Bindura-Shamva highway past the railway crossing.

The cemetery is inaccessible during the rainy season and people leave their vehicles along the highway and carry the coffin on foot to the graves.

Acting town clerk Mr Kelton Chinowaita said they have set aside money for the construction of the access road which is less than 500 metres.

“Makusha Cemetery was established after Chiwaridzo and Cottco were filled to capacity. Currently there is no road to the cemetery and the temporal road is impassable during the rainy season,” he said.

“We are seeking a railway crossing permit from NRZ so that we can construct an access road from Bindura-Shamva Road.

“We are hoping that the road will be complete before June. Chiwaridzo and Cottco cemeteries have become overgrown by trees due to the good rains received this year. We flighted a tender for cutting down of gum trees at these grave sites.”

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