Bakers Inn reduces bread price

BAKERS Inn, a subsidiary of Inscor Africa Limited, has with immediate effect reduced the cost of bread from US$1,10 to US$1 saying the move sends a strong message to other businesses, urging them to prioritise the needs of their communities.

The price of bread went up at the beginning of 2024 in response to VAT charges proposed in the 2024 national budget.

The Treasury later fine-tuned some of the measures introduced through the 2024 National Budget, with basic food items such as bread, milk, cooking oil, and maize meal, exempted from VAT.

The measures were meant to eliminate the fears of price increases that had gripped consumers.

In a statement, Bakers Inn said “Effective immediately, a standard loaf of Baker’s Inn bread now costs just $1-a 10% drop from the previous $1.10. This seemingly small change is a giant leap for Zimbabwean families, freeing up precious resources.

“Bread is a symbol of sustenance, a staple of every kitchen, a comfort on the table and Baker’s Inn Bakery has ensured that every household can continue to enjoy its delicious taste.

“This move by Baker’s Inn resonates deeply with consumers facing economic hardship. Recognising this struggle, Baker’s Inn has chosen to be more than just a bakery, it has become a champion for Zimbabwean families. This is not the first time the company has stepped up to the plate. In 2023, they initiated a similar price reduction, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to supporting their customers during tough times.”

According to Bakers Inn, the latest move is not just about business, it’s about community adding as bread is more than just food, t’s a shared experience, a thread that binds people together.

“The ripple effect of this price reduction is undeniable. More affordable bread means more families can enjoy this delicious, fresh food. The impact of Baker’s Inn’s decision extends beyond immediate relief. It sends a powerful message to other businesses, urging them to prioritise the needs of their communities. It reminds us that in times of hardship, compassion and collaboration are key to overcoming challenges.”-chronicle

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