Association of Health funders of Zimbabwe tackles exorbitant fees, shortfalls, fraud and corruption

THE 15th Association of Healthcare Funders of Zimbabwe (AHFoZ) 2024 annual all stakeholders conference on health ended on a high note with health funders resolving to contribute to national policy making.

Budget Health Medical Aid Society- for Best CSR in the Medical Aid Societies Category 2024

AHFoZ also awarded some medical aid societies and service providers for their dedicated work in the sector and community.
The AHFoZ conference agenda falls under the overarching framework of the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) which feeds into the Vision for an upper middle income society by 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals.

For Customer Care in the Service Providers Category 2024- Medical Investments Limited

Close to 200 local and foreign delegates, up from around 150 last year, attended the conference which started with a health innovation workshop which identified use of technology and general practice as key determinants for universal health coverage.
The conference was held under the theme: “Zooming in on Health Outcomes – “Making the Main Thing the Main Thing”.

PSMAS – For Support to the Secretariat in the Medical Aid Societies Category

In an interview at the close of the conference. AHFoZ chairman Mr Stanford Sisya said there was a need to attach timelines to all recommendations.
“Key take away issues include the need to focus on the outcome so that we can improve the quality of life for citizens. To achieve that we need collaborate as stakeholders.
“So we are happy that the Ministry of Health and Child Care were in full support of the initiatives that we are having and we continue to work very closely with the Ministry as we work towards the National Health Insurance. The working committees for us it’s a working platform that we will use going forward to action recommendations,” he said.
Despite the higher turnout of delegates, there was a significant absence of exhibitors compared to previous years.

Runner Up- CellMed for Support to Secretariat in the Medical Aid Societies Category

There was the National Social Security Authority (NSSA), Avenues Clinic, New Health 263 and 2Cana.
Over the years there would be scores of local and regional exhibitors.
Mr Sisya said some had indicated that they would return next year.
“In terms of exhibitors it might point to the sign of the times or clash of the diaries. As an industry we are grateful for all the sponsors and exhibitors that came and I believe that going forward there will be more as some have promised to come next year,” he said.
AHFoZ chief executive Mrs Shylet Sanyanga said the conference was one of the best in the history of the association as it focused on critical issues such as exorbitant health fees, shortfalls, fraud and corruption , the need for collaboration, the need to encourage a culture of taking health insurance among citizens, mental health, use of technology and how the health sector can be modelled to prevent brain drain.

NSSA received recognition for being premium sponsor

“We have had a very successful conference in the sense that we have had one of the very topical issues covered. We were able to discuss in groups to come up with specific resolutions after we identified a couple of areas and asked people to feed.
“National Health Insurance, abuse of medicines, mental health and need for collaboration were some of the key focus areas. So we are going to compile all the resolutions and submit to the Ministry especially now that they are formulating the National Health Insurance,” she said.
The conference was hybrid as some presentations were virtual.
Health and Child Care Minister Dr Douglas Mombeshora attended the conference and expressed concern on a number of issues including exorbitant pricing, lack of coordination and fraud.
He urged health funders, service providers and other stakeholders to engage.
“We always sit down with service providers but we don’t always agree, it is good that the Minister has indicated his willingness to be part of that process, it will make a difference,” commended Mrs Sanyanga.
She said members cannot afford increases and high charges.
There are 34 medical aids registered under AHFoZ and collectively they cover 1.3 million people which is close to 11 percent of the population.
Meanwhile, AHFoZ awarded EMF Medical Aid Society the prize for Innovation in the medical aid societies category while Budget Health Medical Aid Society was best corporate social responsibility in medical aid societies.
Medical Investments Limited was awarded for best customer care in the service providers category while PSMAS got the award for support to the secretariat where the runner up was CellMed.
Suburban Medical Centre was given award for CSR in the service providers category.
Platinum sponsors NSSA and CellMed were also recognised.-chronciles

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