Analysis confirms high quality natural at Mukuyu

AUSTRALIAN energy firm Invictus Energy Limited says a fluid sample analysis has confirmed high quality natural gas at the Mukuyu gas field containing minimal impurities which will require minimal processing before sale to downstream customers.

The energy firm declared two material discoveries after recovering 15 downhole gas and gas-condensate samples from both the Upper and Lower Angwa Formation targets in the Mukuyu-2/ST-1 well during its December drilling campaign.

The dual discoveries confirmed the huge potential of the Mukuyu gas field and define a new petroleum province in the Cabora Bassa basin, where the company holds a dominant acreage position of 360 000 hectares in proximity to a high-demand energy market with established delivery infrastructure.

In a market update yesterday, Invictus managing director Scott Macmillan said preliminary compositional analysis had confirmed the rich gas-condensate discovery.

“We are extremely pleased with the early results from the downhole reservoir fluid sample analysis which confirms a large and rich gas-condensate discovery at Mukuyu,” he said.

“The analysed samples demonstrate a consistent, high-quality natural gas composition, exhibiting low inert content, containing less than 2% CO2 (carbon dioxide) and nil H2S (hydrogen sulphide) which will require minimal processing.”

Macmillan said the results from Mukuyu-2 were consistent with their geological modelling of the Cabora Bassa Basin.

He said the presence of both light oil and gas-condensate provided them with confidence as they prepared for the next phase of their appraisal programme and work towards the monetisation of the Mukuyu gas discoveries and further exploration of “our exciting portfolio of multiple drill ready prospects which has been substantially enhanced by the positive results from Mukuyu”.

Condensate gas ratios are estimated between 14-22 barrels per million standard cubic foot (bbls/MMscf) of gas from the Mukuyu-2 samples with a condensate American Petroleum Institute gravity of 50-60.

Mukuyu-1 mudgas analysis results confirmed the presence of light oil and gas condensate yields of 30-135 bbls/MMscf and high quality natural gas with minimal impurities.

It said the preliminary gas isotope analysis from processed downhole reservoir fluid samples in Mukuyu-2 were consistent with mudgas samples from comparable depths which would allow for additional insights to be generated from the extensive suite of samples gathered from Mukuyu-1 and Mukuyu-2 wells.

Invictus said additional downhole reservoir fluid and mudgas samples were being processed.

“Further analysis is ongoing which will be integrated into the geological model across the Mukuyu field and the wider portfolio of prospects and leads in our licence area,” it said.

The gas discoveries present economic opportunities for the country including energy security, increased export earnings, job creation, alternative source of government revenue, faster economic growth and development of several downstream industries.

This favourably positions the country as one of the world’s largest future gas producers.-newsday

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