AMA awards cotton farmers of the season

The Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA) rewarded the best cotton selling farmers of the 2022 season as a way to motivate growers to be more commercial and also take up farming of the crop.

Locally, production has also been affected by late rains and has seen deliveries to buying centers lower than previous season output.

According to reports, a total of 400 000 kilogrammes of cotton have been delivered which are 36 percent lower than last year deliveries.

Cottco board chairman, Mr Sifelani Jabangwe said; “Whilst national cotton output declined in 2022 mostly due to the poor rainfall experienced last year, the sector is forecast to rebound in 2023 due to renewed interest in cotton by farmers.”

From Midlands province the outstanding winner, Smart Kambanje of Sanyati, received a 75-horsepower tractor, plough and trailer valued at US$45 000 after producing 13 000 kgs of cotton at an average yield per hectare of 4 283 kgs.

Cotton farming is part of the pfumvudza programme and Kambanje said; “The inputs are free, labour we have it, extension service providers are there for free, so why are you not producing cotton?”

He further urged his fellow farmers by saying that he built a modern house at his rural home as a result of this crop.

The second winner, Sekai Chinyandura took home a solar-powered borehole and 5 000 litre water tank after she had an impressive yield of 3 200 kgs per hectare.

A full home solar-power installation was awarded to Costa Lunga who had a 3 000 kgs per hectare yield.

The three said rewarding of farmers in such a way was going to see a rebound of the cotton industry and were happy that they were going to Brazil for a peer to peer exchange with other cotton farmers in the South American country.

AMA did not let the youths feel neglected as they rewarded a young Chiredzi farmer Takudzwa Chindudzi who harvested 2 400 kgs on his one hectare plot. He was awarded a bull and a heifer, and will also embark on the Brazil journey in order to learn more.

The awards inspired many with, Lovemore Chivere from Goromonzi said; “I saw what these awards meant to the people and how much it has changed people’s lives and I will be embarking in cotton farming as some people of my age are also doing it.”

Cotton farmers who spoke at the event said the decision by government for Cottco to pay them 75 percent of their total sales in United State dollars was a good move and they hope to see it again next year.

The balance was instantly paid in Zimbabwe dollars at prevailing interbank upon delivery of the crop at any Cottco buying point.

The decision by government to pay cotton farmers in forex was announced by Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development Minister, Dr Anxious Masuka back in April this year.

Cotton Farmers Association of Zimbabwe president Stewart Mubonderi, said the decision will result in farmers delivering at least a million tonnes each season.

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