Air Zimbabwe, ACZ attend Routes World 2022 indaba

THE Airports Company of Zimbabwe and Air Zimbabwe are participating at the Routes World 2022 meeting in Las Vegas, United States of America, together with over 2 000 decision makers from the global aviation sector value chain.

The 27th edition of Routes began on Sunday and is expected to end today.

The conference brings together over 190 of the world’s largest and fastest-growing airlines who will be partaking in more than 9,000 meetings with new and existing airport, destination and supplier partners.

Face-to-face business meetings between these stakeholders will define future air service agreements and plans for developing network strategy in line with the growing demand the world continues to see as travel and tourism journey towards post-pandemic recovery.

Air Zimbabwe and ACZ are listed among the participating organisations. Last week, ACZ officials said they are sending a delegation to the conference.

ACZ operates a network of eight airports, which are strategically located around the country, providing direct and fastest access to the country’s tourist resorts and trade areas.

Early this year, Air Zimbabwe officials indicated that the airline is focused on expanding domestic and international route networks.

With the global community opening its borders after two years of constrained international travel due to Covid-19 lockdown measures, tourism and trade movement is resuming. This has created demand for air transportation at home, regionally and intercontinentally, which the national airline wants to tap into.

The participation of both companies is expected to attract new airlines to the

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