Agro-implements company launched in Bulawayo

A NEW agriculture implements supply company, Ecoville Agro, has opened shop in Bulawayo and targets doing business with key stakeholders across Matabeleland region.

Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) president for Matabeleland Chapter, Mr Raymond Shonhiwa, presided over the launch on Friday where he said the firm will play a key role in cementing the import substitution thrust.

agro chemicals

The agro-implements company provides a range of services such borehole drilling, irrigation equipment installation, agro chemicals, soil sampling, livestock vaccination, horticulture inputs and drip tapes.

“There is so much that we can learn and I think you are coming at the right time when import substitution is something that is being promoted in all sectors of industry and your support to the producers will help the agriculture business,” said Mr Shonhiwa.

He said the region was happy to learn that the company has plans to expand.

“Don’t grow big in your mind because you have opened but remain humble enough to offer personal services. As CZI we welcome you to the business sector,” said Mr Shonhiwa.

He said the company had been launched at the right time as it gives farmers time to start planning .

Mr Shonhiwa urged businesses to appreciate Zimbabwe’s unique positioning and the transition that it is going through.

“So, it’s no longer the old doing business but also the young, it’s no longer the men but also the ladies who are becoming champions in business,” he said.

Mr Shonhiwa said the success of the new business was not so much on farmers visiting it but the company going out to educate both small scale and large-scale farmers.

He said Zimbabwe has vast tracks of land but limited irrigation focus as most farmers rely on rain fed agriculture despite existence of numerous water bodies.

Mr Shonhiwa urged farmers to invest more towards irrigation development and produce more food for the country in order to wean itself from imports.

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