Sadc industrialisation week: Zera looks forward to partnerships

AS the country prepares to host the seventh edition of the Sadc Industrialisation Week (SIW) in Harare later this month, Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (Zera) have vowed to leverage the strategic event to forge partnerships, expand their operations and unlock new opportunities for growth and development of the sector.

Government expects about 300 guests and 150 companies to participate in deliberations during the SIW, which will take place ahead of the Sadc Summit next month.

The SIW, which runs from July 28 to August 2, 2024, under the theme: “Promoting Innovation to Unlock Opportunities for Sustainable Economic Growth and Development: Towards an Industrialised Sadc”, will include conferencing and exhibitions.

In an interview, Zera chief executive officer Mr Edington Mazambani said the energy sector plays a crucial role in the SIW by supporting and enabling industrial growth and development across the region.

He said the contribution of the sector is through power supply for the industrialisation sector, where he said affordable and reliable energy is essential for industrial operations.

Mr Mazambani said the energy sector ensures that there is sufficient power generation and distribution infrastructure to support industrial activities during the SIW and beyond.

“As the energy sector prepares for the upcoming SIW, several expectations and priorities typically emerge, expectations often revolve around fostering partnerships and collaboration among stakeholders within the energy sector and with industrial players,” he said.

“This includes exploring opportunities for public-private partnerships (PPPs), international cooperation, and knowledge sharing to accelerate energy infrastructure development and innovation.”

Southern African countries have been facing electricity challenges and experts say the region’s solutions to its power deficit challenges lie within its borders, requiring cooperation and support from regional finance institutions.

Most Sadc member state economies have over the years faced electricity deficits, which have hurt socio-economic development in the region.

Mr Mazambani said the energy sector expects the SIW to provide a platform for advocating supportive policies and regulatory frameworks.

This includes policies that promote renewable energy integration, facilitate private sector participation in energy projects, and ensure energy security for industrial operations.

On infrastructure development, Mr Mazambani said expectations include discussions and commitments towards infrastructure development, particularly in energy generation, transmission, and distribution.

He said investments in infrastructure are crucial in terms of meeting the increasing energy demand of industrialisation projects showcased during the week.

“The energy sector also expects discussions on capacity building initiatives and skills development programmes related to energy management, renewable energy technologies, and energy efficiency,” he said.

“These initiatives are vital for enhancing the workforce’s capabilities to support sustainable industrial growth.”

Several private sector players are expected to be part of the annual public-private engagement platform designed to foster new opportunities for intra-African trade, develop cross-border value chains, and identify investment opportunities in the Sadc region.

The SIW is set to precede the Council of Ministers Meetings and Sadc Heads of State Summit, which will take place from August 9-18 2024, at the New Parliament Building in Mt Hampden.

One of the convention’s key objectives is to promote the Sadc Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap (2025-2063) (SISR) to ensure a wider understanding and acceptability among the Sadc community members, including governments, the members of the public, private sector, academia, research institutions and think tanks.

Mr Mazambani said the energy sector expects the SIW to provide a platform for showcasing innovative energy solutions, such as smart grids, energy storage systems, and digitalisation in energy management.

“These innovations can demonstrate how technological advancements can enhance energy efficiency and support industrial competitiveness,” he said.

The SIW, which will officially be opened by President Mnangagwa on 31 July will commence with a media awareness day on 28 July followed by an investment conference to be presided over by Vice-President Constantine Chiwenga, on 29 July. Plenary sessions will be held on 30 July. The Minister of Industry and Commerce and the private sector will host a welcome cocktail, gala dinner, and fashion show on 1 August.

There will also be organised factory visits to outstanding and innovative local companies to showcase Zimbabwe’s industrial potential. —chroncile

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