The meaning of brand building

Many people fail to see how brand building contributes to sales and this worries me a lot.

Building a brand involves creating strong associations between brand identifiers such as logos, names, colours and slogans and brand attributes (the qualities and values the brand represents, such as reliability, innovation or luxury).

Here is a more detailed breakdown of how this works:

  1. Brand identifiers

These are the visual and verbal elements that make a brand recognisable. Examples include:

Logo: The visual symbol representing the brand.

Brand name: The name by which the brand is known.

Tagline/slogan: A short phrase that captures the essence of the brand.

Colours and fonts: The specific colours and typography associated with the brand.

  1. Brand attributes

These are the characteristics and qualities that the brand promises and delivers. Examples include:

Quality: High standards in products or services

Innovation: Cutting-edge and forward-thinking.

Customer service: Friendly, efficient and supportive.

Value: Affordable or high-end, depending on the market positioning.

Strengthening the link between brand identifiers and brand attributes means ensuring that whenever customers see or hear the brand identifiers, they immediately think of the brand attributes. This is accomplished through:

Consistent messaging: Repeatedly communicating the brand’s attributes through advertising, marketing and customer interactions.

Customer experience: Ensuring that every touchpoint with the brand consistently delivers on its promises, reinforcing the brand attributes.

Visual and verbal cohesiveness: Using brand identifiers consistently across all platforms and materials so that they become strongly associated with the brand attributes in the customer’s mind.

Emotional connection: Building an emotional bond with customers which helps reinforce the association between identifiers and attributes.

Practical examples

Coca-Cola: The red and white logo and distinctive bottle shape are linked to attributes such as happiness, refreshment and timelessness.

Nike: The swoosh logo and the slogan “Just Do It” are strongly associated with performance, athleticism and inspiration.

Building a brand involves strengthening the link between brand identifiers and brand attributes. This relationship is critical because it helps create a coherent and memorable brand image that resonates with consumers and differentiates the brand from competitors.

Never forget that a brand is an aggregate of what someone sees, hears, or experiences about a product, business or company.

A brand encompasses the overall perception and identity of a product or company as formed by consumers through various interactions and touchpoints. Here is a breakdown of what constitutes a brand:

  1. Visual identity

Logo: The symbol or design that represents the company.

Colour scheme: The colours associated with the brand.

Typography: The fonts and styles used in branding materials.

Packaging: The design and quality of the packaging of products.

  1. Auditory identity

Jingles and sounds: Specific sounds or music associated with the brand.

Brand voice: The tone and style of communication in advertisements and customer interactions.

  1. Experiences

Customer service: The quality and manner of service provided to customers.

User experience: How easy and enjoyable it is to use the company’s products or services.

Customer interactions: Every interaction from social media engagement to in-store experiences.

  1. Brand messaging

Advertising: The messages conveyed through advertisements.

Public relations: How the company communicates with the public and manages its image.

Content: Blogs, social media posts and other content that reflect the brand’s voice and values.

  1. Reputation and perception

Reviews and testimonials: What customers and critics say about the brand.

Word of mouth: The informal communication among consumers about the brand.

Public perception: The overall opinion held by the public about the brand.

  1. Emotional connection

Brand loyalty: The emotional attachment customers feel towards the brand.

Brand values: The principles and values that the brand stands for and promotes.

All these elements combine to create a holistic perception of the brand in the minds of consumers. The brand is therefore not just a single element, but the sum of all these parts and how they interact to form a cohesive and recognisable identity.

Clemence Mutembo is a high-impact customer experience, sales and brand-building coach. Clemence is in high-demand as a trainer and may be reached on: 0778 994 994.-ebsuienssweekly

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