Youth organisation seeks to boost fish production

ZIMBABWEAN youths have the potential to benefit from fish farming by creating job opportunities and promoting food and nutrition security in communities.

The Government has main-streamed fisheries and aquaculture within the agriculture sector to diversify production, provide food security and boost livelihoods through commercial ventures.

Zimbabwe Young Farmers Trust president, Mr Josephat Tanga, said they have partnered with the Government to drive robust agricultural sector growth and contribute to the sustainable growth of the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

The trust aims to implement farmer training and awareness on fisheries and aquaculture production in collaboration with Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources Development to mobilise resources for the capacity-building of young farmers.

The director of fisheries and aquaculture resources production in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development has said the Government’s initiative is meant to capitalise on the country’s abundant water resources and favourable climatic conditions for aquaculture.

By developing the capacity of the aquaculture sector through training and resources, young people can capitalise on new opportunities in the fast-growing aquaculture sector.

Speaking to Chronicle Business, Zimbabwe Young Farmers Trust president, Mr Josephat Tanga, said his organisation has partnered with the Government to drive robust agricultural sector growth to contribute to sustainable growth of the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

“This is anticipated to be achieved through driving the entire fisheries and aquatic resources value chain. Among other components of the Presidential Community Fisheries Programme, premised on capacity development, business orientation and value chain development, ZYFUT is proposing to implement two of them such as farmer training and awareness on fisheries and aquaculture production in collaboration with Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources Development (Fard) in resource mobilisation for the capacity building of young farmers and all fingerling handling and distribution across all districts in the country,” he said.

“Since 2013, the trust worked with different organisations, the private sector and Government institutions guided by the key objective of supporting, maintaining and promoting all Government projects and programmes that go for the welfare of the young people in Zimbabwe.

“The mandate of the organisation is to represent young farmers towards youth development through agricultural activities. The organisation arose from the need to support the Government to address issues of unemployment among young people and reduce the rise in cases of drug and substance abuse.”

Mr Tanga said close collaboration with the Government in the fisheries programme was critical in ensuring the achievement of desired impacts and stabilising supplies in the economy while creating jobs within the aquaculture value chain.

He hoped that through such projects, Zimbabwe can effectively alleviate poverty in line with the National Development Strategies 1 and Vision 2030 goals.

“We are still implementing fisheries programmes to ensure food and nutrition security, income generation, import substitution, export generation, employment creation and increased household incomes, also contributing to the sustainable growth of the fisheries and aquaculture sector,” said Mr Tanga.

The director of fisheries and aquaculture resources production in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Mr Milton Makumbe, has said the Government’s initiative is also meant to capitalise on the country’s abundant water resources and favourable climatic conditions for aquaculture.

Mr Milton Makumbe

“Our thrust as Government is to leave no place and no one behind as we march towards Vision 2030. We are on a drive to stock all dams to arrest the decline in fish populations, improve food security and unlock new economic opportunities in marginalised communities,” he said. —chronicle

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