Cross-sector partnerships critical in driving comprehensive digital transformation- ICT Deputy Minister Phuti

THERE is need for players in various sectors to enhance cross-sector partnerships as they are critical in driving comprehensive digital transformation efforts, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Postal and Courier Services Deputy Minister Dingumuzi Phuti has said.

He made the remarks at the Oracle Accelerating Digital Transformation in Zimbabwe’s Public Sector meeting that was held in the capital last week Thursday.

Oracle Corporation is an American multinational computer technology company headquartered in Austin, Texas, United States. In 2020, Oracle was the third-largest software company in the world by revenue and market capitalization.

Deputy Minister Phuti said Oracle’s business has ensured digital transformation in the country’s public sector.

“Digital transformation has become a critical aspect for Governments worldwide, especially in the public sector. Embracing digital technologies is essential for enhancing service delivery, improving efficiency, and promoting transparency and accountability in governance,” he said.

“Zimbabwe, recognizing the significance of digital transformation, has embarked on a journey to accelerate this process with the support of strategic partners like Oracle.

“Partnering with industry leaders such as Oracle plays a pivotal role in driving digital transformation initiatives within Zimbabwe’s public sector. Oracle has a longstanding history of collaboration with the Ministry of ICT in Zimbabwe, working on various projects aimed at modernising Government operations. Notable projects include the implementation of the Public Finance Management System and the establishment of the National Data Centre. These initiatives have not only streamlined financial processes but also enhanced data management capabilities within government institutions,” said Deputy Minister Phuti.

He said there is need to also create synergies by different sectors to ensure effective productivity.
“In addition to its partnership with the Ministry of ICT, Oracle has extended its collaboration to other key public entities in Zimbabwe such as Zimra and Zesa. By leveraging Oracle’s expertise and innovative solutions, these organisations have been able to enhance their operational efficiency and service delivery capabilities,” he said.

“The synergy between Oracle and various public sector entities underscores the importance of cross-sector partnerships in driving comprehensive digital transformation efforts.”

The Deputy Minister said in Zimbabwe, Government has demonstrated unwavering commitment to advancing digital transformation, as part of its broader agenda to foster a digital economy and achieve Vision 2030 development goals.

By investing in robust ICT infrastructure and systems, the Government aims to develop efficient and reliable mechanisms that will propel economic growth and drive sustainable development across all sectors.

“Collaborating with industry leaders like Oracle is seen as instrumental in realizing these ambitions by harnessing cutting-edge technologies and best practices for successful implementation,” said Deputy Minister Phuti.

He said accelerating digital transformation in Zimbabwe’s public sector offers numerous benefits that are integral to enhancing overall governance effectiveness.

“Implementing digital technologies can significantly improve service delivery by streamlining processes, reducing bureaucratic bottlenecks, and increasing citizen engagement through online platforms.

“Furthermore, digitising Government operations can enhance transparency by providing real-time access to information while fostering greater accountability through traceable data trails,” said Phuti.

“Accelerating digital transformation is paramount for Zimbabwe’s public sector to meet evolving demands for efficient service delivery, transparency, and accountability.

“The partnership between the Government and companies like Oracle exemplifies a collaborative approach towards achieving these objectives through innovative technological solutions tailored to specific needs.

“By prioritising digital initiatives within its governance framework, Zimbabwe sets itself on a path towards sustainable development guided by principles of inclusivity and progress,” said Deputy Minister Phuti.-choncile

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