IDCZ moves in to boost Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector

THE Industrial Development Corporation of Zimbabwe (IDCZ) is spearheading a multifaceted drive to support the country’s agricultural sector, with a focus on protecting farmer yields and bolstering the national livestock herd.

Through its subsidiary, Chemplex Agrofarmer, IDCZ is actively engaged in combating animal diseases such as the January Disease and tick-borne diseases.

This is achieved through production of tick grease, which is an initiative aimed at addressing such agricultural challenges.

The Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development has reported a significant decline of 40 percent in the number of animal deaths attributed to the dreaded January disease.

In an interview on the sidelines of a recent joint Parliamentary Portfolio Committees workshop in Masvingo, head of corporate services for IDCZ Mr Derek Sibanda said they have enhanced production capacity and implemented various mitigation measures to combat livestock deaths, which have been yielding positive results.

“One of our subsidiaries, Chemplex Agrofarmer, specializes in animal and public health products,” said Mr Sibanda.

“We have expanded our manufacturing plant located in Masasa, which produces tick grease and dipping chemicals used to combat ticks and the January Disease that has significantly impacted the national livestock herd.”

IDCZ announced that they are ramping up production to unprecedented levels through their expanded manufacturing facilities, enabling them to fuel overseas markets.

“The plant expansion has increased our production capacity to 6,000 tonnes per annum, which should be sufficient to meet the national demand and allow for exports,” said Mr Sibanda.

“Currently, our tick grease and dipping chemicals are being utilized by the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) to address the January Disease outbreak.”

“As a result of these efforts, the number of animal deaths from tick-borne diseases has been declining.”

The IDCZ thrives to resuscitate the national herd and improve food security as part of the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) for Sustainable Development of the nation.

The IDCZ general manager, Mr Edward Tome, said the corporation has implemented measures to safeguard harvests nationwide, tackling the debilitating post-harvest losses that have plagued farmers.

“Farmers are suffering unimaginable post-harvest losses and we had to put up a new mark to produce grain protectants that have the capacity to supply this country and the region and it is already operational in Masasa,” said Mr Tome.-chronicle

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