World Tobacco Africa comes to Zimbabwe

QUARTZ Business Events, the owner of the world’s largest network of tobacco-related trade shows in the world, will host the World Tobacco Africa (WTA) in Harare this week, NewsDay Business can report.

The event, to be held on Wednesday and Thursday, comes to Zimbabwe as the country is currently the largest tobacco producer in Africa. Zimbabwe is on a drive to establish a US$60 billion tobacco industry by 2028.

“As such preparations to the WTA are ongoing, TIMB [Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board], in collaboration with the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development and other stakeholders, are working round the clock to see the global conference become a success,” a statement from the organisers read in part.

Simbarashe Mutsvanga, a tobacco farmer from Mashonaland West province, told the event organisers that Zimbabwe has a long history of tobacco production and is known for producing high-quality tobacco.

He reportedly acknowledged the significant role tobacco industry in Zimbabwe has played towards building the country’s economy, contributing to export earnings and employment opportunities.

“It is such history that gives confidence to the country on the realization of its US$60 billion target,” the organisers said.

However, Mutsvanga raised a concern on the fluctuating prices and the health and well-being impact of consuming tobacco products from the value addition process.

“Amid all the concerns, Simbarashe is looking forward to playing a part in the country’s target through investing in value addition. He looks forward to World Tobacco Africa [event] as he is keen on experience sharing on up-to-date technologies and market trends.”-newsday

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