Business Weekly, Zimpapers employees win awards

Zimpapers employees from the Digital and Publishing Division (DAP), were last Friday honoured by financial advisory firm, Finking, during its National Business Awards ceremony held in Harare, for their contribution towards economic development.

Sunday Mail Editor, Victoria Ruzvidzo was honoured with the Leader In Business Integrity Award, DAP advertising manager, Mrs Phillipa Gomo, was crowned National Advertising and Marketing Manager of the Year, while Business Weekly Editor Herbert Zharare, was awarded Leader In Business Networking.

Also among the 20 individuals honoured during last Friday’s event was Tsitsi Musabayana of Eat n’ Lick fast food outlet, who was crowned Business Resilient Leader of the Year.

Under the companies’ category, Zimpapers 1980 Group was honoured as the Most Rapidly Innovative Business, while Business Weekly was crowned Best in Business Concepts Development.

Tinashe Mugabe’s company Global DNA, scooped the Corporate Social Responsible Company of the Year Award, while Eat n’ Lick scooped the Fast Food Outlet of the Year.

Founder and executive chairman of FinKing Financial Advisory and executive chairman of the National Business Awards, Dr Keen Mhlanga, said given the support the event received from the individuals and corporates, the awards were destined for greater heights.

“The event (Friday) was massive and each year it grows larger. Our fifth edition was highlighted by a concept that promotes outsmarting current business hurdles. In addition to being glamorous, the brand value of Zimbabwean businesses has grown with deserved winners from many sectors and places.

Business concepts, insights, prospects, and future conversations were conveyed, providing everyone in attendance with a clear picture of modern business acumen.

“My ultimate goal is to continue to acknowledge, recognise and appreciate businesses around the country. In addition, we have an annual conference planned for next year that will bring businesses together with the goal of discussing critical and current subjects that will affect businesses and delivering answers. This is designed to include government ministries and lobby for policy recommendations,” he said.

DAP advertising manager, Mrs Phillipa Gomo, was crowned National Advertising and Marketing Manager of the Year

Dr Mhlanga said there were many businesses dotted around the country that were providing solutions to several challenges Zimbabweans were facing, hence the need to also create platforms that recognise their contribution to national development.

“My heart belongs to my country. In addition, I aim to significantly increase the contribution of minor cities and towns to the national grid. We have a lot of people that have the capacity to build our economy if they are swiftly recognised and given the appropriate support, regardless of where they live in Zimbabwe. The emphasis is also on restoring and resuscitating the necessary talents and businesses to help us become an upper middle-income society by 2030.”-ebusinessweekly

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