NSSA rolls out rural outreach in Mat South

THE National Social Security Authority (NSSA) has embarked on a community outreach
programme targeting rural communities in Matabeleland South province where it seeks
to raise awareness among stakeholders.

In line with the organisation’s transformation and rebranding journey, NSSA has said its
drive is aimed at increasing information sharing about social security issues in line with
Government’s mantra “leaving no one/no place behind”.

Hence the outreach is running under the theme: “Leaving no pensioner and no
beneficiaries behind”. The team has already conducted extensive rural outreach
campaigns in Matabeleland South covering Mangwe and Matobo Districts from 15 May
2023 with the programme set to end on 04 June 2023.

National Security Authority (Nssa)
To date, the team has held 110 ward-based meetings as well as 114 formal meetings in
schools, clinics, and other institutions, said NSSA in a programme outline seen by
Business Chronicle.

“The overall objective of the outreach is to increase the reach of NSSA information
dissemination and to ensure that there is timeous communication to clients on all issues
pertaining the authority,” said the organisation.

“Effective stakeholder engagement and feedback is the bedrock of client satisfaction,
which leads to compliance with NSSA statutes, as stakeholders will be aware of NSSA
benefits and services.

“Good communication lines that allow feedback will lead to both effective, efficient
service delivery and enhance customer satisfaction throughout the province. It is pivotal
for NSSA to increase its brand visibility in marginalised areas to speak to our promise, ‘A
Lifelong promise, Chivimbiso chehupenyu ,Isithembiso sempilo’ no matter where our
clients are.”

NSSA has said that its key message during the outreach is anchored on engaging through
formal meetings at schools, rural health centres, Government departments, and other
organisations, as well as community meetings.

“The drive is to ensure all the organisations and their employees are registered with
NSSA. Registration processes are initiated for all those organisations that are not
registered. Employers and employees alike are helped to register and use the NSSA selfservice portal,” it said.

“The other front is that of community meetings. Community meetings are held in each
ward, at different ward centres to cut on distances and allow easy access to all.
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“The focus is to help all possible NSSA beneficiaries that are due to access their benefits
access them with ease. Current beneficiaries got updates and had all their queries
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The engagements are meant to cover aspects such as the US-dollar portion for NSSA
pensioners starting June, registration issues and submission of remittance advice and
other returns, contributions and compliance background of what NSSA does and postretirement availability of loan facilities to NSSA pensioners, among others.

Among the places visited so far are; Sanzukwi, Bango, Mabade, Ngwanyana, Hlanganani,
Maninji, Bulu/Ngwizi, Kweme, Mambale, Makorokoro, Makhubu, Brunapeg, Hobodo,
Khalanyoni, Bidi, Tjedza, Makorokoro, Sangulube, Makubu and Ivimila.

The team continues with the programme in Matobo District and the areas that have been
so far covered in this District include St Joseph, St Sebastian, Mbuso, Marinoha, St Anna
and many others.

During the programme NSSA says its team works closely with Councillors and other
community leaders to ensure good attendance for a wider audience reach.-The Chronicle

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